(1) Each program must develop and implement a case plan for each program participant in care. 

(2) The case plan must include:

(a) the program participant's physical and medical needs;

(b) behavior management issues;

(c) mental health services when appropriate;

(d) measurable goals and objectives and corresponding time frames;

(e) the responsibilities of the program participant, staff, and parent/legal guardian for meeting the goals and objectives;

(f) education plans; and

(g) discharge plans and estimated discharge date.

(3) The initial case plan must:

(a) be developed within seven business days after admission; and

(b) be updated at least every 90 days from the day of development.

(4) The program participant and the parent/guardian must be involved in developing and updating the case plan.

(5) The program participant, parent/legal guardian, and program staff developing the case plan must sign and date the plan and plan updates.

(6) A copy of the signed case plan must be provided to the parent/legal guardian and maintained in the program participant's file.

