(1) The career and technical education standards for fifth grade are that each student will: 

(a) act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee:  

(i)  identify activities and behaviors that build and strengthen community; and

(ii)  define employability skills;

(b) apply appropriate academic and technical skills:

(i)  read and comprehend a variety of resources to explain procedures, ideas, or concepts in Career Pathways;

(ii)  construct charts, tables, and graphs using mathematical data; and

(iii)  apply scientific methods including data gathering, direct and indirect observation, and prediction to solve workplace problems;

(c) attend to personal health and financial well-being by modeling the interrelationships between mental, emotional, social, cultural, intellectual, and physical health;

(d) communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason:

(i)  apply safety, responsibility, and ethical use of information to communicate knowledge of Career Pathways; and

(ii)  demonstrate employability skills to interact with team members to accomplish group goals;

(e) consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions by evaluating the effectiveness of safety procedures for different environments and tasks;

(f) demonstrate creativity and innovation by communicating complex ideas in creative ways;

(g) employ valid and reliable research strategies by identifying valid data from multiple sources for a variety of career-related research projects;

(h)  utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them:

(i)  interpret data to observe and explain trends;

(ii)  compare and contrast multiple approaches to solving a problem or completing a project; and

(iii)  test and refine methods to solve a problem;

(i)  model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management by leading a group activity; 

(j)  plan education and career path aligned to personal goals:

(i)  explore education expectations for different career options; and

(ii)  performs basic tasks for personal and workplace communication;

(k)  use technology to enhance productivity by demonstrating how to work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers when using technology tools; and

(l) work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence by collaborate across cultures when setting teamwork roles and goals.


History: Mont. Const. Art. X, sec. 9, 20-2-121, MCA; IMP, Mont. Const. Art. X, sec. 9, 20-2-121, 20-3-106, 20-7-101, MCA; NEW, 2020 MAR p. 2136, Eff. 7/1/21.