2012 Montana Administrative Register Issue 13
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    Publish Date: 7/12/2012

Notice No. History Department Summary
   Notice Section
4-14-209 access file AGRICULTURE Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - Addition of Beans and Pulse Crops to the Listed Commodities of Montana.
17-276 access file ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Board of Environmental Review) (Water Quality) Notice of Extension of Comment Period on Proposed Amendment - Outstanding Resource Water Designation for the Gallatin River.
24-118-3 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY (Board of Athletic Trainers) Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Adoption - Fee Schedule - Applications - Renewals.
24-129-14 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY (Board of Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners) Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Continuing Education Requirements.
24-156-76 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY (Board of Medical Examiners) Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Adoption - Testing Requirement - Reporting Obligations.
24-351-267 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment, Adoption, and Repeal - Weighing and Measuring Devices - Packaging and Labeling - Petroleum - Voluntary Registration - Certification of Stationary Standards - Weight Device License Transfer.
37-591 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Child Care Policy Manual.
37-592 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Non-Medicaid Respite Care Services.
44-2-182 access file SECRETARY OF STATE Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Farm Bill Master List Output and Fees Pertaining to the Business Services Division.
   Rule Section
4-14-208 access file AGRICULTURE Notice of Adoption - Eurasian Watermilfoil Management Area.
12-376 access file FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS Notice of Adoption - Bodies of Water Identified as Contaminated With Eurasian Watermilfoil.
17-324 access file ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Board of Environmental Review) (Strip and Underground Mine Reclamation Act) Corrected Notice of Adoption - Department's Obligations Regarding the Applicant/Violator System.
18-135 access file TRANSPORTATION Notice of Amendment - Motor Carrier Services.
23-4-228 access file JUSTICE Notice of Amendment - Drug and Alcohol Analyses.
24-29-266 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY Notice of Adoption - Stay at Work/Return to Work for Workers' Compensation.
24-111-24 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY (Alternative Health Care Board) Notice of Amendment - Inactive Status - Naturopathic Physician Natural Substance Formulary List - Direct-Entry Midwife Apprenticeship Requirements - Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements - Midwives Continuing Education Requirements.
24-201-45 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY (Board of Public Accountants) Notice of Amendment and Repeal - Education Requirements - Out-of-State Applicants - Retired Status - Profession Monitoring - Renewal and Continuing Education - Advisory Committee - Continuing Education Reporting for Permit to Practice - Reinstatement.
37-557 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Corrected Notice of Amendment - Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement.
37-577 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Amendment - Infant Care.
37-585 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Amendment and Repeal - Medicaid Outpatient Hospital Services.
37-586 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Adoption and Amendment - Certification of Persons Assisting in the Administration of Medication.
   Special Notice and Table Section
Function Function of Administrative Rule Review Committee Function of Administrative Rule Review Committee
How How to Use ARM and MAR How to Use ARM and MAR
ACCUM Accumulative Table Accumulative Table

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