2015 Montana Administrative Register Issue 16
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    Publish Date: 8/27/2015

Notice No. History Department Summary
   Notice Section
2-43-529 access file ADMINISTRATION (Public Employees' Retirement Board) Notice of Proposed Amendment - Investment Policy Statement for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan - Investment Policy Statement for the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
2-43-530 access file ADMINISTRATION (Public Employees' Retirement Board) Notice of Proposed Amendment - Adoption by Reference of the State of Montana Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan Document and the State of Montana Public Employee Deferred Compensation (457) Plan Document. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
2-43-531 access file ADMINISTRATION (Public Employees' Retirement Board) Notice of Proposed Amendment - Actuarial Rates and Assumptions. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
2-43-532 access file ADMINISTRATION (Public Employees' Retirement Board) Notice of Proposed Amendment - Defined Contribution Plan Default Investment Fund - Deferred Compensation Plan Investment Options. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
24-101-307 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Repeal - Definitions - Administrative Fees - Purpose - Licensing - Renewal Notification.
37-715 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Amended Notice of Proposed Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal - Provider Participation - Program Requirements - Reimbursement Procedures for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Services.
37-717 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Amended Notice of Proposed Adoption and Amendment - Production and Sale of Cottage Food Products.
37-719 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Amended Notice of Proposed Amendment and Repeal - Revision of Authorization Requirements for Medicaid Mental Health Services for Youth.
37-723 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - Short-Term Voluntary Inpatient Mental Health Treatment.
42-2-933 access file REVENUE Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption, Amendment, Transfer, and Repeal - Unclaimed Property.
42-2-934 access file REVENUE Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Liquor Prices - Vendor Product Representatives and Permits - Samples - Advertising - Unlawful Acts - Inventory Policy (Powdered/Crystalline Liquor Products) - Product Availability - Product Listing - Bailment - State Liquor Warehouse Management.
   Rule Section
2-4-527 access file ADMINISTRATION Notice of Amendment - Single Audit Act Reporting Fees for Local Governments.
12-442 access file FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS (Fish and Wildlife Commission) Notice of Amendment and Adoption - Recreational Use on Silver Lake in Deer Lodge County.
12-443 access file FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS (Fish and Wildlife Commission) Notice of Amendment - Exotic Species Classification.
37-713 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Amendment and Repeal - Non-Medicaid Respite Care Services for Youth With Serious Emotional Disturbance.
38-3-229 access file PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION Notice of Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal - Motor Carriers.
42-2-929 access file REVENUE Notice of Amendment - Targeted Economic Development Districts.
44-2-204 access file SECRETARY OF STATE Notice of Adoption and Amendment - Voting Accessibility for Electors With Disabilities - Montana Absent Uniformed Services and Overseas Voter Act.
44-2-205 access file SECRETARY OF STATE Notice of Amendment - Retention of Local Government Electronic Long-Term Records.
   Special Notice and Table Section
Function Function of Administrative Rule Review Committee Function of Administrative Rule Review Committee
How How to Use ARM and MAR How to Use ARM and MAR
ACCUM Accumulative Table Accumulative Table
APPT Board and Council Appointees Board and Council Appointees
VAC Vacancies on Boards and Councils Vacancies on Boards and Councils

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