The Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) is a compilation of existing permanent rules of those executive agencies that have been designated by the Montana Administrative Procedure Act for inclusion in the ARM. The ARM is updated through June 30, 2021. This table includes notices in which those rules adopted during the period February 12, 2021, through July 23, 2021, occurred and any proposed rule action that was pending during the past 6-month period. (A notice of adoption must be published within six months of the published notice of the proposed rule.) This table does not include the contents of this issue of the Montana Administrative Register (MAR or Register).
To be current on proposed and adopted rulemaking, it is necessary to check the ARM updated through June 30, 2021, this table, and the table of contents of this issue of the Register.
This table indicates the department name, title number, notice numbers in ascending order, the subject matter of the notice, and the page number(s) at which the notice is published in the 2021 Montana Administrative Registers.
To aid the user, this table includes rulemaking actions of such entities as boards and commissions listed separately under their appropriate title number.
ADMINISTRATION, Department of, Title 2
2-11-614 Adoption of a State Plan of Operation for Federal Surplus Property, p. 378
2-59-607 Activities of Loan Production Offices - Assessments - Dividends - Conversion Applications - Merger Applications - Examination Fees for Trust Companies, p. 152, 328
2-59-610 Application for Organizing a New Credit Union - Annual Reports, p. 97, 275
2-59-613 Examination Fees - Revocation and Suspension of Mortgage Licenses - Consumer Complaints - Confidentiality Agreements - Sharing Arrangements - Reinstatement of Expired or Suspended Licenses - Mortgage Loan Origination Disclosure Form - Bona Fide Not-For-Profit Certification - Applications for Initial Licenses Near Year End, p. 381, 715
(Public Employees' Retirement Board)
2-43-611 Investment Policy Statements for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan, the Montana Fixed Fund, and the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan, p. 201, 465
(State Banking Board)
2-60-608 Closure or Relocation of Bank Branches, p. 1, 228
AGRICULTURE, Department of, Title 4
4-21-272 Plant Health Quarantines, p. 100, 552
4-21-273 Certified Noxious Weed Free Materials, p. 804
STATE AUDITOR, Office of, Title 6
6-261 Surety Insurance Producers Who Sell, Solicit, or Negotiate Commercial Bail Bonds, p. 739, 1860, 410
(Classification Review Committee)
6-263 Establishment, Deletion, or Revision of Classifications for Various Industries for Supplementing the NCCI Basic Manual for Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance, p. 447, 919
COMMERCE, Department of, Title 8
8-94-186 Administration of the Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program–Planning Grants, p. 288, 554
8-94-187 Administration of the Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP)–Planning Grants, p. 591, 872
8-94-189 Administration of the Community Development Block Grant Cares Act (CDBG-CV) Program, p. 813
8-111-185 Definitions - Housing Credit Allocation Procedure, p. 2287, 229
8-111-188 Cash Advances, p. 815
(Board of Investments)
8-97-100 Board of Investments Rules, p. 205, 466
(Montana State Library)
10-102-2101 Essential Standards - Library Board, Governance, and Working With the Director - Serving the Community - Personnel - Standard Notification, Final Arbiter, and Appeal Process - Deferrals, p. 818
FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS, Department of, Title 12
12-533 Field Trial Regulations - Game Bird Dog Training - Game Bird Farms, p. 2093, 172
12-540 Closing the Yellowstone River 100 Yards Upstream and Downstream of the Twin Bridges Road Bridge in Stillwater County, p. 175
12-542 Closing the Ennis Fishing Access Site and the Valley Garden Fishing Access Site in Madison County, p. 230
12-543 Closing the York's Islands Fishing Access Site in Broadwater County, p. 232
12-544 Closing the Springdale Bridge Fishing Access Site in Park County, p. 434
12-548 Closing the Selway Park Fishing Access Site in Beaverhead County, p. 756
12-549 Closing Cooney Reservoir in Carbon County, p. 873
(Fish and Wildlife Commission)
12-534 Closing the Boulder River to All Motorized Watercraft, p. 1953, 430
12-535 Use of Remote-Controlled Devices and Drones While Fishing, p. 1956, 431
12-537 Limiting Tepee Lake to Manually Operated Watercraft, p. 2226, 432
12-541 Policy Regarding the Management of Black Bear, p. 389, 920
12-545 Use of Deer or Elk Urine to Mask Human Odor, p. 391, 921
12-546 Implementation of the Commercial Use Cap on the Madison River, p. 395, 923
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Department of, Title 17
TRANSPORTATION, Department of, Title 18
18-184 Motor Carrier Services Safety Requirements, p. 450, 875
CORRECTIONS, Department of, Title 20
JUSTICE, Department of, Title 23
23-12-261 Tracking Sexual Assault Evidence Kits Through a Statewide Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System, p. 727
23-18-262 Certificates of Public Advantage, p. 453, 758
(Public Safety Officers Standards and Training Council)
23-13-260 Certification of Public Safety Officers, p. 4, 616
LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Department of, Title 24
Boards under the Business Standards Division are listed in alphabetical order by chapter following the department notices.
24-2-373 Commissioner's Active Supervision of the Board of Dentistry Regarding Designation of Public Health Facilities for Limited Access Permits, p. 731
24-11-372 COVID Unemployment Insurance Benefits, p. 534, 759
24-29-367 Medical Fee Schedules for Workers' Compensation Purposes, p. 397, 716
24-29-370 Use of Signatures When Documents Are Being Electronically Transmitted, p. 11, 276
24-29-371 Medical Utilization and Treatment Guidelines for Workers' Compensation Purposes, p. 536, 761
24-101-310 Nonroutine Applications and Criminal Convictions, p. 290, 556
24-122-1 Boiler Operator Licensing - Fee Schedule for Boiler Operating Engineers - Approval of Training Courses - Examinations - Renewals, p. 20, 468
24-131-1 Construction Blaster Licensing - Fees - Training Programs - Variances - Requirements, p. 24, 469
24-135-3 License Requirements for Crane and Hoisting Operating Engineers - Fees - Incorporation by Reference of American National Standards Institute B30.5, p. 29, 470
24-142-2 Elevator Licensing - Fee Schedule - Licensee Responsibilities - Elevator Mechanic and Limited Mechanic Licensure Qualifications - Examinations - Licensure by Reciprocity or Endorsement - Apprentice Registration, p. 34, 475
24-144-2 Fire Protection License Program - Definitions - Duty to Report Changes - Proof of Insurance - Fees - Who Must Obtain an Endorsement - Endorsement Examinations - Fireworks Wholesaler Permit Applications - Continuing Education - Duplicate License or Endorsement - Apprenticeship Programs - Application Procedure - Fireworks Wholesale Permits - Renewals, p. 39, 565
24-301-350 Incorporation by Reference of the International Energy Conservation Code, p. 2303, 177
24-301-353 Modifications to the International Building Code Applicable to Both the Department's and Local Government Code Enforcement Programs, p. 596
(Board of Architects and Landscape Architects)
24-114-39 Fee Schedule, p. 733
(Board of Athletic Trainers)
24-118-6 Definitions - Unprofessional Conduct - Applications - Supervision - Renewals, p. 14, 564
(Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists)
24-121-17 Salons - Shops - Mobile Salons or Shops - Schools - Definitions - General Application and License Display Requirements - Variance Requests - General Requirements and Prohibitions - License General Information - Premises, Fixtures, and General Sanitation - Restrooms - Sinks - Sanitizers - Containers - Cabinets - Implements - Instruments - Supplies - Equipment - Sanitizing - Disinfecting - Preparation Storage - Handling - Prohibited Items - Blood Spills - Continuing Education Instructors - Unprofessional Conduct - Inspections - Name Change - Closure - Change of Ownership - Operation Standards - Lighting, p. 826
(Board of Chiropractors)
24-126-38 Impairment Evaluator Standards - Participation in Disaster and Emergency Care–Liability of Chiropractor - Applications, p. 736
(Board of Dentistry)
24-138-80 Denturist Committee - Fees - Dental Hygienist Functions - License Display - Licensure and Certification of Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Denturists - Continuing Education Requirements - Dentist and Denturist Unprofessional Conduct - Screening Panel - Dental Hygienist Unprofessional Conduct - Justifiable Criticism and Expert Testimony - Infectious Waste - Public Service and Quality of Care - Patient Selection - Patient Records - Emergency Service - Consultation and Referral - Rebate and Split Fees - Volunteer Licensee Scope - Dental and Dental Hygiene Schools - Dentist Specialist License - Licensure After Denial or Revocation - Grounds for Denial - Severability - Multiple-Specialty Announcements, p. 213, 473
(Board of Medical Examiners)
24-156-90 ECP Scope of Practice, p. 1866, 277
24-156-91 Audit and Continuing Education Reporting Requirements - Continuing Education Audit, p. 456
(Board of Nursing)
24-159-89 Definitions - Fees - Qualifications for Executive Director of the Board - Nurse Licensure Compact Rules - Program Standards - Program Annual Report - Establishment of a New Program - Program Director - Program Faculty - Waiver of Faculty Qualifications - General Requirements for Licensure as Medication Aide I and II - Prohibited Intravenous (IV) Therapies - Temporary Practice Permit - LPN and RN Licensure by Examination for Internationally Educated Applicants - Licensure by Endorsement - Renewals - Application for Prescriptive Authority - Prescribing Practices - APRN Competence Development - Purpose - Criteria for Delegation of Nursing Tasks - General Nursing Functions and Tasks That May Not Be Delegated - Conduct of Nurses - Grounds for Denial of a License, p. 673
(Board of Occupational Therapy Practice)
24-165-25 Definitions - Deep Modality Endorsement, p. 593
(Board of Plumbers)
24-180-50 Fee Schedule - Temporary Exceptions - Renewal of Endorsement - Continuing Education Requirements, p. 102, 329
(Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors)
24-183-44 Definitions - Teaching of Land Surveying Subjects - Continuing Professional Competency–Continuing Education, p. 401
(Board of Psychologists)
24-189-42 Fee Schedule - Required Supervised Experience - Continuing Education Requirements - Continuing Education Implementation - Representation of Self and Services - Psychologist Application Procedures - Licensure as a Psychologist by Experience (Senior), p. 740
(Board of Real Estate Appraisers)
24-207-44 Approval of Qualifying and Continuing Education Courses, p. 108, 436
24-207-45 Incorporation by Reference of the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria, p. 845
(Board of Realty Regulation)
24-210-46 Fee Schedule - Unprofessional Conduct - Citations and Fines - Prelicensing Education–Salespersons and Brokers - Continuing Real Estate Education - Continuing Property Management Education - New Licensee Mandatory Continuing Education–Salespersons, p. 2296, 619
24-210-47 Fee Schedule - Trust Account Requirements - Unprofessional Conduct for Property Management Licensees - Reasonable Supervision - High Level of Supervision, p. 848
LIVESTOCK, Department of, Title 32
32-20-314 Special Requirements for Swine, p. 2104, 179
32-21-315 Diagnostic Laboratory Fees, p. 158
32-21-317 Diagnostic Laboratory Fees, p. 599, 925
(Board of Milk Control)
32-21-316 Definitions - Regulation of Unfair Trade Practices - Reports and Records - Payments to Pool Producers and Adjustment of Accounts, p. 539, 763
36-22-200 Oil and Gas Leases on State Lands, p. 459
36-22-210 Rangeland Management, p. 2107, 330
36-22-212 Categorical Exclusion of the State Revolving Fund Grant Issuance Under the Montana Environmental Policy Act, p. 889
37-933 Updating Medicaid Provider Rates, Fee Schedules, and Effective Dates, p. 2048, 2111, 51, 180
37-937 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) State Approval, p. 2309, 182
37-938 Big Sky Rx Benefit, p. 2314, 183
37-939 Newborn Screening, p. 2317, 184
37-940 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists - Policy Changes for Medication Assisted Treatment, p. 52, 164, 331
37-941 Update of Effective Dates and Inclusion of Medicaid Manual Changes, p. 168, 334
37-942 Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program, p. 405, 621
37-943 Hospice Fee Schedule, p. 462, 764
37-944 Updating Medicaid and Non-Medicaid Provider Rates, Fee Schedules, and Effective Dates, p. 687, 853
37-945 Fees for Copies of Birth Certificates - Amendment of Birth Certificate Gender Designations - Issuance of a Replacement Certificate, p. 608, 926
37-946 Youth Care Facility Requirements, p. 700
37-948 Nursing Facility Reimbursement, p. 711
37-949 Developmental Disabilities Program Provider Rates Update, p. 748
37-950 Marijuana Testing Laboratory Licensure, p. 859
37-951 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), p. 862
37-953 Youth Foster Homes, p. 893
37-955 Allowing for COVID-19-Related Regulatory Discretion Beyond the Expiration of the Governor-Declared State of Emergency, p. 932
PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION, Department of, Title 38
38-2-247 Investigation and Discovery, p. 2320, 568
38-2-248 Commission Procedural Rules, p. 545, 937
38-5-246 Pipeline Safety, p. 2232, 580
38-5-248 Advanced Metering Opt-Out, p. 111, 896
REVENUE, Department of, Title 42
42-1029 Common Carrier Reporting of Alcoholic Beverage Shipments, p. 56, 234
42-1030 Montana Medical Marijuana Program, p. 765
42-1031 Montana Medical Marijuana Program (MMP), p. 899
42-1032 Marijuana Provider Canopy Tier Size Increases - Limitations on Advertising, p. 908
42-1034 Production Increments Used in the Calculation of Taxes on Beer, p. 869
42-1035 Elimination of Competitive Bid Application Processing Fees, p. 915
SECRETARY OF STATE, Office of, Title 44
44-2-242 Clarification of Business Services Division Filings and Fees, p. 550, 767
44-2-243 Records and Information Management Fees, p. 613, 878