���������������������������������� AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
������������������������������������� DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
�������������������������������������� OF THE STATE OF MONTANA
TO:�All Concerned Persons
�����1.�On December 20, 2007, the Department of Commerce and the Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission published MAR Notice No. 8-112-64 pertaining to the public hearing on the proposed transfer and adoption of the above-stated rules at page 2026 of the 2007 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 24.
2.�The department and commission have transferred ARM 10.125.101, 10.125.102, 10.125.103, 10.125.104, 10.125.105, 10.125.106, and 10.125.107 as proposed, and have adopted New Rule II (8.112.202), New Rule III (8.112.205), New Rule V (8.112.209), New Rule VI (8.112.210), New Rule VII (8.112.213) as proposed.
3.�The department and commission have adopted the following rules as proposed with the following changes from the original proposal, stricken matter interlined, new matter underlined:�
NEW RULE I (8.112.201)�DEFINITIONS�The following definitions shall be used in these rules, unless context clearly indicates otherwise:
�����(1) and (2) remain as proposed.
�����(3)�"Executive Committee" means the committee appointed by the commission chair, made up of the current commission chair, a recent past chair (if available), the Director of the Montana Department of Commerce or his/her designee, and the current chair of the Commission's Finance and Management Committee and the secretary-treasurer.
(4) through (8) remain as proposed.
REASON:�This change is made to accurately reflect the current composition of the commission's Executive Committee.
�����(1) through (1)(b) remain as proposed.
���� (c)�The Real Property Sales Committee may make real property sale recommendations to the Executive Committee at any meeting properly noticed and with the discussion of sales included on the agenda.�All recommendations will include a review of how the extent to which the proposed sale meets the criteria in [NEW RULE II] ARM 8.112.205.�The Real Property Sales Committee shall prepare its recommendation to the Executive Committee in writing.
(d) through (3) remain as proposed.
REASON:�This change is made to more accurately reflect the fact that the recommendation of proposed real property sales by the Executive Committee will involve a range in the extent to which the proposal meets the criteria in NEW RULE II (8.112.202), not that they simply meet the criteria or not.
4.�No comments or testimony were received.
/s/�KELLY A. CASILLAS������������ ��������� /s/�ANTHONY J. PREITE����������
KELLY A. CASILLAS���������������������������� ANTHONY J. PREITE
Rule Reviewer�������������������������������������� Director
����������������������������������������������������������� Department of Commerce
Certified to the Secretary of State March 3, 2008.