The Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) is a compilation of existing permanent rules of those executive agencies that have been designated by the Montana Administrative Procedure Act for inclusion in the ARM. The ARM is updated through June 30, 2009. This table includes those rules adopted during the period July 1, 2009, through September 30, 2009, and any proposed rule action that was pending during the past six-month period. (A notice of adoption must be published within six months of the published notice of the proposed rule.) This table does not include the contents of this issue of the Montana Administrative Register (MAR or Register).
To be current on proposed and adopted rulemaking, it is necessary to check the ARM updated through June 30, 2009, this table, and the table of contents of this issue of the MAR.
This table indicates the department name, title number, rule numbers in ascending order, catchphrase or the subject matter of the rule, and the page number at which the action is published in the 2009 Montana Administrative Register.
To aid the user, the Accumulative Table includes rulemaking actions of such entities as boards and commissions listed separately under their appropriate title number.
1.2.104 and other rules - Administrative Rules, p. 1465
ADMINISTRATION, Department of, Title 2
2.2.101 Department of Administration's Procedural Rules, p. 1180
2.59.1701 and other rules, Licensing and Regulation of Mortgage Brokers - Mortgage Lenders - Mortgage Loan Originators - License Renewals for Mortgage Lenders as of July 1, 2009 - New Applicants for a Mortgage Loan Originator License – Temporary Licenses - New Applicants for a Mortgage Broker or Mortgage Lender License – Temporary Licenses - Net Worth Requirement for Mortgage Brokers - Unacceptable Assets - Proof of Net Worth - Records to be Maintained by Mortgage Lenders - Financial Responsibility, p 1292
2.59.1711 Continuing Education, p. 159, 735
(Public Employees' Retirement Board)
2.43.3502 and other rule - (Public Employees' Retirement Board) Investment Policy Statement for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan - Investment Policy Statement for the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, p. 394, 1010
(Teachers' Retirement Board)
I Determination of Incentives and Bonuses as Part of a Series of Annual Payments and Included in Earned Compensation, p. 1183
(Board of County Printing)
2.67.201 and other rules - Board of County Printing, p. 1187
AGRICULTURE, Department of, Title 4
4.9.401 Raising the Wheat and Barley Assessment, p. 2574, 264
4.12.1320 and other rules - Quarantines - Pest Management Standards, p. 118, 343
4.12.3402 Raising the Seed Laboratory Analysis Fees, p. 1319
6.6.504 and other rules - Medicare Supplements, p. 506, 1107
6.6.2801 and other rules - Surplus Lines Insurance Transactions, p. 1191
COMMERCE, Department of, Title 8
I Administration of the 2009-2010 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, p. 2408, 410
8.119.101 Tourism Advisory Council, p. 398, 862
8.119.101 Tourism Advisory Council, p. 1066
(Montana Coal Board)
8.101.201 and other rules - Policies of the Montana Coal Board - Applications for Montana Coal Board Grant Assistance, p. 2220, 344
(Board of Housing)
8.111.602 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, p. 952
EDUCATION, Department of, Title 10
(Board of Public Education)
I Sign Language Interpreters, p. 1205
10.54.4010 and other rules - Math Content Standards and Performance Descriptors, p. 767, 1201
10.57.102 and other rules - Educator Licensure, p. 30, 345
10.57.412 and other rule - Mentor Teachers, p. 789, 1259
FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS, Department of, Title 12
(Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission)
12.6.1101 and other rules - Falconry Regulation in Montana, p. 792, 1470
12.11.2204 No Wake Zone on Echo Lake, p. 53, 863
12.11.6601 and other rules - Emergency Closures of Department Lands and Public Waters, p. 1208
12.14.101 and other rules - Commercial Use Rules in Montana, p. 1436
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Department of, Title 17
17.50.403 and other rules - Solid Waste - Licensing and Operation of Solid Waste Landfill Facilities, p. 164, 1326
(Board of Environmental Review)
17.4.101 and the Department - Model Rules, p. 129, 1011
17.8.102 Air Quality - Incorporation by Reference, p. 1, 411
17.8.102 and other rules - Incorporation by Reference of Current Federal Regulations and Other Materials into Air Quality Rules, p. 954
17.8.501 and other rules - Air Quality - Definitions - Permit Application Fees - Operation Fees - Open Burning Fees, p. 958
17.30.201 Water Quality - Permit Fees, p. 1335
17.30.617 and other rule - Water Quality - Outstanding Resource Water Designation for the Gallatin River, p. 2294, 328, 1398, 438, 1953, 162, 1324
17.30.702 and other rules - and the Department - Water Quality - Subdivisions/On-Site Subsurface Wastewater Treatment - Public Water and Sewage Systems Requirements - CECRA Remediation - Department Circular DEQ-4 - Gray Water Reuse, p. 968
17.38.101 and other rules - Public Water and Sewage System Requirements - Plans for Public Water or Wastewater Systems - Treatment Requirements - Control Tests - Microbial Treatment - Sanitary Surveys - Chemical Treatment of Water - Ground Water - Initial Distribution System Evaluations - Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Requirements - Enhanced Treatment for Cryptosporidium - Licenses-Private Water Supplies - Disposal of Excrement - Barnyards and Stockpens, p. 1353
17.40.318 and other rule - and the Department - Water Treatment Systems and Operators - Public Water and Sewage System Requirements - State Revolving Fund and Public Water and Sewer Projects Eligible for Categorical Exclusion From MEPA Review, p. 55, 412
17.50.403 and other rule - Solid Waste - Definitions - Annual Operating License Requirements, p. 964
17.53.105 and other rules - Hazardous Waste - Incorporation by Reference - Standardized Permits, p. 1444
17.56.101 and other rules - Underground Storage Tank Operation Requirements - Leak Detection - License Renewal Training, p. 1450
CORRECTIONS, Department of, Title 20
20.7.507 Siting, Establishment, and Expansion of Prerelease Centers, p. 1363
JUSTICE, Department of, Title 23
23.19.1001 Consumer Debt Management License Fee, p. 810, 1166
23.12.1201 and other rules - Attendance at MLEA - Performance Criteria at MLEA, p. 401, 867
(Gambling Control Division)
23.16.202 and other rules - Gambling Business License - Approval of Variations of Standard Bingo Cards - Credit Play - Card Dealer Licenses - Card Room Contractors License Requirements - Sports Tab Game Seller License - Distributor Licenses - Route Operator Licenses - Manufacturer Licenses - Accounting System Vendor Licenses - Manufacturer of Illegal Gambling Devices License - Raffle Record Keeping Requirements, p. 912, 1260
LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Department of, Title 24
Boards under the Business Standards Division are listed in alphabetical order following the department rules.
I Licensee Lookup Database, p. 61, 1167
I-XIII Workers' Compensation Claims Examiner Certification, p. 1213
24.17.127 Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Projects - Building Construction Services, Heavy Construction Services, Highway Construction Services, and Nonconstruction Services, p. 249, 736, 868
(Alternative Health Care Board)
24.111.2102 and other rule - Continuing Education, p. 2577, 265
(Board of Architects and Landscape Architects)
24.114.101 and other rules - Board Organization - Procedural Rules - Definitions - Fees - Architect Seal - Architect Business Entity Practice - Emergency Use - Licensure By Examination - Unprofessional Conduct - Screening Panel - Architect Partnerships - Landscape Architect Licensure, p. 2545, 413
24.114.401 and other rules - Fee Schedule - Applications - Education and Experience - Examinations, p. 1457
(Board of Chiropractors)
24.126.301 and other rules - Definitions - Applications - Display of License - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct, p. 923
(Board of Dentistry)
24.138.508 and other rules - Dental Anesthetic Certification - Dental Permits - Exemptions - Continuing Education, p. 1068
(State Electrical Board)
24.141.301 and other rules - Definitions - Apprentice Registration - Fee Schedule - Electrician Applications - Examinations - Licensure - Contractor Licensing - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Complaint Procedure - Electrician Qualifications, p. 1365
(Board of Medical Examiners)
I Medical Direction, p. 2238, 416
24.156.2719 Expired License, p. 2235, 415
(Board of Nursing)
24.159.1006 and other rules - Cosmetic Procedure Standards - Nonroutine Applications, p. 252, 1404
(Board of Nursing Home Administrators)
24.162.420 and other rules - Fee Schedule - Documentation for Licensure - Temporary Permit - Reciprocity Licenses - Continuing Education, p. 1072
(Board of Outfitters)
24.171.401 and other rules - Fees - Qualifications, p. 256, 1406
(Board of Pharmacy)
24.174.301 and other rules - Definitions - Administration of Vaccines - Prescriptions - Transmission of Prescriptions - Objectives - Internship - Registration Requirements - Pharmacy Technician - Record Keeping - Registration Conditions - Emergency Drug Kit - Renewal - Unprofessional Conduct - Agent of Records, p. 1079
(Board of Physical Therapy Examiners)
24.177.405 and other rules - Physical Therapy Aides - Temporary Licenses - Out of State Applicants - Foreign Trained Applicants - Topical Medication Protocols - Continuing Education - Physical Therapists, p. 586
(Board of Private Alternative Adolescent Residential or Outdoor Programs)
24.181.301 and other rules - Definitions - Fees - Private Alternative Adolescent Residential and Outdoor Programs, p. 303, 1478
24.181.401 and other rules - Registration Fee Schedule - Licensing Fee Schedule - Renewals - Private Alternative Adolescent Residential and Outdoor Programs, p. 339, 870
(Board of Radiologic Technologists)
24.204.501 and other rules - Permit Application Types - Practice Limitations - Course Requirements - Permit Examinations - Code of Ethics - Unprofessional Conduct, p. 1089
(Board of Real Estate Appraisers)
24.207.401 and other rule - Fees and USPAP, p. 1223
(Board of Realty Regulation)
24.210.301 and other rules - Definitions - Licensing - Renewals - Unprofessional Conduct - Continuing Education, p. 928
24.210.641 Unprofessional Conduct, p. 2580, 748
(Board of Sanitarians)
24.216.402 and other rule - Fees - Sanitarian in Training, p. 75, 455
(Board of Social Work Examiners and Professional Counselors)
24.219.301 and other rules - Definitions - Fees - Application - Licensure - Status Conversion - Application - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Social Work Examiners and Professional Counselors, p. 2583, 812
LIVESTOCK, Department of, Title 32
32.6.712 Food Safety and Inspection Service (Meat, Poultry), p. 1096
32.28.202 and other rule - Uncoupling Horses for Wagering Purposes, p. 1098
36.10.129 and other rule - Wildland-Urban Interface - Guidelines for Development Within the Wildland-Urban Interface, p. 1101
36.12.190 and other rule - Filing a Change Application - Change Application - Historic Use, p. 814
I-VI Medical Marijuana Program, p. 2027, 322
I-IX Mental Health Center Services for Youth With Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), p. 2603, 272
I-XXVII Behavioral Health Inpatient Facilities (BHIF), p. 844
37.5.117 and other rules - Swimming Pools, Spas, and Other Water Features, p. 604, 1104
37.8.126 Grandparents and Relative Caregivers Access to Birth Records, p. 1007
37.30.405 Vocational Rehabilitation Program Payment for Services, p. 407, 941
37.36.101 and other rules - The Montana Telecommunications Access Program (MTAP), p. 1226
37.40.307 and other rule - Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement, p. 997, 1411
37.52.210 Adjustment of Subsidy Payment, p. 132, 417
37.78.102 and other rules - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), p. 596, 1020
37.79.101 and other rules - Implementing the Healthy Montana Kids Plan Act, p. 1235
37.85.212 and other rule, Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) Medicaid Provider Rates and Mid-Level Practitioner's Reimbursement for Services to Medicaid Clients Under Age 21, p. 436, 1012
37.86.1001 and other rules, Medicaid Dental Service Providers' Reimbursement Rates, p. 444, 1017
37.86.3501 and other rules - Case Management Services for Adults with Severe Disabling Mental Illness, p. 1378
37.86.4701 and other rules - Medicaid Covered Organ and Tissue Transplantation, p. 1390
37.87.1223 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Services - Reimbursement, p. 261, 418
37.88.101 and other rules - Medicaid Mental Health Center Services for Adults with Severe Disabling Mental Illness, p. 985, 1489
37.106.2301 and other rule - Hospice Facilities, p. 2255, 351
37.106.2401 and other rules - Home Infusion Therapy (HIT), p. 827
37.107.107 Fee Reduction for Medical Marijuana Patients, p. 1462
37.108.507 Components of Quality Assessment Activities, p. 450, 1019
37.111.230 Trailer Courts and Tourist Campgrounds, p. 859, 1408
37.113.108 and other rules - Implementation of the Montana Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA), p. 1003, 1414
PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION, Department of, Title 38
38.3.601 and other rules- Motor Carrier Certificates - Electronic Copy of Filings, p. 319, 1417
REVENUE, Department of, Title 42
I & II Property Tax for Privately Owned Landfills, p. 2460, 751
42.4.201 and other rules - Individual Energy Conservation Installation Credit, p. 2456, 459
42.4.2501 Biodiesel and Biolubricant Tax Credit, p. 135, 419
42.13.601 Small Brewery Closing Time Restrictions, p. 2613, 1021
42.15.215 Senior Interest Income Exclusions, p. 137, 353
42.19.406 Extended Property Tax Assistance Program (EPTAP), p. 1397
42.20.515 Taxable Value of Newly Taxable Property, p. 933, 1263
SECRETARY OF STATE, Office of, Title 44
1.2.104 and other rules - Administrative Rules, p. 1465
44.2.202 and other rules - Fees and Procedures - Business Services Division, p. 1401