Accumulative Table No. 7   04/08/2016    
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The Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) is a compilation of existing permanent rules of those executive agencies that have been designated by the Montana Administrative Procedure Act for inclusion in the ARM. The ARM is updated through September 30, 2015. This table includes those rules adopted during the period October 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015, and any proposed rule action that was pending during the past 6-month period. (A notice of adoption must be published within six months of the published notice of the proposed rule.) This table does not include the contents of this issue of the Montana Administrative Register (MAR or Register).


To be current on proposed and adopted rulemaking, it is necessary to check the ARM updated through September 30, 2015, this table, and the table of contents of this issue of the Register.


This table indicates the department name, title number, rule numbers in ascending order, catchphrase or the subject matter of the rule, and the page number at which the action is published in the 2015/2016 Montana Administrative Register.


To aid the user, the Accumulative Table includes rulemaking actions of such entities as boards and commissions listed separately under their appropriate title number.


ADMINISTRATION, Department of, Title 2


I-VII               Credit Union Supervisory Committee - Credit Union Investment Rules - Board of Director Training, p. 1556, 2247

2.4.402          Single Audit Act Reporting Fees for Local Governments, p. 781, 1270

2.5.701          and other rules - State Surplus Property Program, p. 355

2.59.104        Semiannual Assessment for Banks, p. 479

2.59.303        and other rules - Closing a Consumer Loan Business - Reimbursement of Department Costs in Bringing an Administrative Action - Credit Insurance - Examination Fees - Licensure Surrender - Annual Reports, p. 1547, 2246

2.59.416        and other rules - Credit Union Investments, p. 359

2.59.1710      and other rules - Records to Be Maintained by Mortgage Brokers - Records to Be Maintained by Mortgage Lenders - Reporting Forms for Mortgage Servicers, p. 1563, 2249

2.59.1716      and other rules - Recovery of the Costs in Bringing an Administrative Action - Treatment of Initial License Applications Submitted Near Year-End - Abandonment of Initial License Applications - Mortgage Licensees, p. 499, 923

2.59.1738      Renewal Fees for Mortgage Brokers, Lenders, Servicers, and Originators, p. 959, 1478


(Public Employees' Retirement Board)

I                    Redirection of Certain PERS Employer Contributions From the Defined Benefit Trust Fund for the Purposes of Paying Off the Plan Choice Rate Unfunded Actuarial Liability to Defined Contribution Member Accounts, p. 2179, 310

I-XI                Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) for Members of the Highway Patrol Officers' Retirement System, p. 1778, 2244

2.43.1306      Actuarial Rates and Assumptions, p. 1226, 1893

2.43.3501      and other rules - Adoption by Reference of the State of Montana Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan Document and the State of Montana Public Employee Deferred Compensation (457) Plan Document, p. 1223, 1891

2.43.3502      and other rule - Investment Policy Statement for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan - Investment Policy Statement for the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, p. 1220, 1889

2.43.3504      and other rule - Defined Contribution Plan Default Investment Fund - Deferred Compensation Plan Investment Options, p. 1229, 1894


AGRICULTURE, Department of, Title 4


4.3.407          and other rules - Student Loans - Public Participation - Mint Committee, p. 1571, 2136

4.5.206          and other rules - State Noxious Weed List - Regulated Plant List, p. 612, 1042

4.5.308          and other rule - Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage Fees, p. 784, 1479

4.6.101          and other rules - Commodity Advisory Committees - Corn Crop Advisory Committee - Commodity Assessment, p. 1574, 2137

4.9.301          and other rule - Wheat and Barley Committee Grants, p. 1568, 2135

4.17.105        and other rules - Organic Application Procedures and Fees - Fees for Services - Annual Report and Assessment Fees, p. 602, 1041


STATE AUDITOR, Office of, Title 6


(Commissioner of Securities and Insurance)

I-III                Fire Tax, p. 394, 1043

I-XI                Surety Insurance Producers Who Sell, Solicit, or Negotiate Commercial Bail Bonds, p. 1785

6.6.507B        and other rules - Medicare Supplements, p. 689, 1049

6.6.3104A      and other rule - Long-Term Care, p. 398, 1046

6.6.3504        Annual Audited Reports and Establishing Accounting Practices and Procedures to Be Used in Annual Statements, p. 256, 925

6.6.3702        and other rules - Reporting by Holding Company Systems, p. 246

6.6.4907        Patient-Centered Medical Homes, p. 1796, 2250

6.10.209        and other rule - Offerings, p. 962, 1480

6.10.703        Securities Restitution Fund, p. 256


COMMERCE, Department of, Title 8


I                    Actions That Qualify as Categorical Exclusions Under the Montana Environmental Policy Act, p. 966, 1481

8.2.503          Administration of the Quality Schools Grant Program, p. 2060, 17

8.94.3814      and other rule - Governing the Submission and Review of Applications for Funding Under the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP), p. 178, 511

8.94.3816      Administration of the 2017 Biennium Treasure State Endowment Program–Emergency Grants, p. 969, 1484

8.99.806        Administration of the Business Workforce Training Grant, p. 971, 1485

8.99.917        Implementation of the Big Sky Economic Development Trust Program, p. 1328, 1895

8.99.918        Administration of the Big Sky Economic Development Trust Program, p. 789, 1193

8.119.201      and other rules - Movie and TV Industries and Related Media–Tax Incentives, p. 1330, 1902


(Board of Horse Racing)

8.22.2301      and other rules, Board of Horse Racing, p. 2252


EDUCATION, Department of, Title 10


(Office of Public Instruction)

10.10.301      and other rules - School Finance, p. 363

10.16.3122    and other rules - Special Education, p. 1578, 2257


(Board of Public Education)

10.57.102      and other rules - Educator Licensure, p. 698, 1051

10.57.412      and other rules - Educator Licensure, p. 1402, 2091

10.63.108      Preschool Hours, p. 616, 1055


(State Library)

10.102.1152     Deferrals, p. 1800, 2270


FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS, Department of, Title 12


12.7.201        and other rules - Commercial Bait Seining, p. 259

12.9.804        and other rules - Game Damage Hunts, p. 875, 2138, 138

12.11.341      and other rule - Aquatic Invasive Species, p. 263


(Fish and Wildlife Commission)

I                    Apprentice Hunter Certificate, p. 791, 1486

12.2.601        State Land Access Tax Credit, p. 1803, 202

12.6.106        Removal of Shelter, p. 1806, 203

12.6.2204      and other rules - Exotic Species Classification, p. 618, 1272

12.7.807        Fishing Contests, p. 295, 929

12.11.206      and other rule - Temporary Client Days on the Beaverhead and Big Hole Rivers, p. 267

12.11.501      and other rule - Recreational Use on Silver Lake in Deer Lodge County, p. 507, 1271

12.11.501      and other rules - Recreational Use on the Blackfoot River Recreation Corridor, p. 292, 926


(State Parks and Recreation Board)

I-XXIV           State Parks Public Use, p. 482


GOVERNOR, Office of, Title 14


I-II                 Implementation of the Sage Grouse Stewardship Act, p. 2125, 458


ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Department of, Title 17


I-IX                Vessel Pumpout Facilities, p. 881, 1388

17.36.101      and other rules - Subdivisions/On-Site Subsurface Wastewater Treatment - Application--Contents - Review Procedures--Applicable Rules - Re-review of Previously Approved Facilities: Procedures - Setbacks - Sewage Systems: Agreements and Easements - Existing Systems - Water Supply Systems: Operation and Maintenance, Ownership, Easements, and Agreements - Fee Schedules - Disposition of Fees, p. 2192

17.40.201      and other rules - Definitions - Classification Systems - Examinations - Experience and Education - Continuing Education Requirements - Approved Training Providers, p. 1593, 2144

17.50.523      Transportation, p. 4

17.53.113      Hazardous Waste - Registration and Registration Maintenance Fees - Fee Assessment, p. 101, 298, 1194, 1753

17.74.101      and other rules - Occupational Noise - Occupational Air Contaminants, p. 2062, 18


(Board of Environmental Review)

I-III                Clean Air Act, p. 1092, 1903

17.4.201        and other rules - Procedural Rules - Water Quality - Public Water Supply and Sewage System Requirements - Water Pollution Rules - Radiological Criteria - State and EPA Coordination - Pretreatment - Definitions - Enforcement Actions for Administrative Penalties - Purpose - Enforcement Procedures - Suspended Penalties, p. 2182, 517

17.4.701        and other rules - Fees - Fee Assessment Categories - Departmental Assistance to Applicants, p. 1335

17.8.334        and other rules - Emission Standards for Existing Aluminum Plants–Startup and Shutdown - Maintenance of Air Pollution Control Equipment for Existing Aluminum Plants - Mercury Allowance Allocations Under Cap and Trade Budget, p. 1809, 512

17.24.201      and other rules - Rules and Regulations Governing the Opencut Mining Act, p. 1951, 513

17.30.1001    and other rules - Water Quality - Subdivisions/On-Site Subsurface Wastewater Treatment - Public Water and Sewage System Requirements - Solid Waste Management - Definitions - Adoption by Reference - Wastewater Treatment Systems: Technical Requirements - Plans for Public Water Supply or Public Sewage System - Plans for Public Water Supply or Wastewater System - Incorporation by Reference and Availability of Referenced Documents, p. 2188

17.74.359      and other rules - Annual Asbestos Project Permits - Training Provider Requirements - Permit Fees - Accreditation and Accreditation Renewal Fees - Course Approval and Renewal Fees - Course Audit Fees, p. 974, 1333


TRANSPORTATION, Department of, Title 18


18.6.202        Outdoor Advertising Control, p. 381

18.8.431        and other rules - Motor Carrier Services, p. 2205, 312

18.8.1505      Motor Carrier Services Out-of-Service Criteria, p. 1096, 1754


CORRECTIONS, Department of, Title 20


I                    Authorization for Probation and Parole Officers to Carry Firearms - Firearms Training Requirements - Department Procedures Pertaining to Firearms, p. 2211, 462

I-IV                Implementing the Medicaid Rate as the Reimbursement Rate the State of Montana Will Pay Health Care Providers for Services Provided to Individuals in the Care or Custody of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Public Health and Human Services, p. 2215, 313


(Board of Pardons and Parole)

20.25.101      and other rules - Parole and Executive Clemency, p. 2064, 139


JUSTICE, Department of, Title 23


23.12.407      House Number Height for Day Care Centers, p. 621, 931

23.16.1712    and other rules - Conduct of Sports Tab Games - The Award of Sports Tab Game Prizes - Sports Tab Games Record Keeping Requirements, p. 793, 1197


LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Department of, Title 24


Boards under the Business Standards Division are listed in numerical order by chapter following the department rules.


I-III                Workforce Development Activities for Montana HELP Act Participants, p. 105

I-IX                Reopening of Medical Benefits Automatically Closed in Certain Workers' Compensation Claims, p. 2073, 204

24.11.101      and other rules - Requests for Information - Unemployment Insurance, p. 357, 510, 932, 1489

24.16.101      and other rules - Workplace Safety - Wage Protection - Workforce Services, p. 107, 1056

24.17.103      and other rules - Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Projects, p. 1813, 2271, 140

24.101.402    and other rules - Definitions - Administrative Fees - Purpose - Licensing - Renewal Notification, p. 1232, 1755

24.301.146    and other rules - Modifications to the International Building Code Applicable to Department and Local Government Code Enforcement - Incorporation by Reference of International Swimming Pool and Spa Code - Adoption by Reference of ARM 37.111.1115 Review of Plans, p. 1619, 19

24.301.301    and other rules - Incorporation by Reference of Uniform Plumbing Code - Fees - Incorporation by Reference of International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC), p. 2084, 316

24.301.501    and other rules - Applicability of Statutes and Rules - Definitions - Commercial or Business Occupancy - Third Party Inspections - Reciprocity - Requirements for Data Plate - Application for Review - Plan Review Termination - Quality Control - Changes to Reviewed Plans - Unit Identification - Plan Renewal - Insignias - Fees - Inspections - Certificates - Effective Date - Information Required to Dealer - Application for Approval - Model Manufactured Location - Out-of-State Applicant - Evidence of Review - Discontinuance of Review, p. 276


(Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists)

24.121.301    and other rules - Definitions - General Requirements - Licensure by Examination - Out-of-State Applicants - Postsecondary School Licensure - Examination Requirements and Process - School Requirements - School Operating Standards - School Curricula - Student Withdrawal, Transfer, or Graduating - Instructor Requirements - Teacher-Training Curriculum - Salons/Booth Rental - Implements, Instruments, Supplies, and Equipment - Salon Preparation Storage and Handling - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Nonroutine Application - Granting Exception - Licensure Equivalency - Credited Hours for Montana-Licensed Individuals - Inactive Instructor License - Licensee and Applicant Contact Information, p. 705, 1198

24.121.301    and other rules - Definitions - Nonroutine Applications - Premises and General Requirements - Licensing - Military Training or Experience - School Operations - Salons/Booth Rental - Disinfecting Agents - Salon Preparation Storage and Handling - Blood Spills, p. 1340, 2034


(Board of Chiropractors)

24.126.411    and other rules - Patient Records Retention - Continuing Education Requirements - Approved Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Sexual Relations With a Patient and Sexual Misconduct - Board Meetings - Record of Minutes and Hearings - Renewals, p. 270


(Board of Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners)

24.129.603    and other rules - Licensing, p. 1602, 518


(Board of Dentistry)

24.138.406    and other rules - Dental Auxiliaries Functions - Dentist Licensure by Credentials - Dentist Licensure by Credentials for Specialists - Dental Hygiene Limited Access Permit - Denturist Intern - Converting Inactive License to Active - Reactivation of an Expired License - Military Training or Experience - Continuing Education - Screening Panel - Continuing Education in Anesthesia - Introduction, p. 1099, 1904


(Board of Funeral Service)

24.147.402    and other rules - Mortician License - Mortuary Transfers, Inspections, and Temporary Permits - Out-of-State Mortician Licensure - Sale of At-Need, Preneed, and Prepaid Funeral Arrangements, p. 1605, 314


(Board of Hearing Aid Dispensers)

24.150.401    and other rules - Fees - Examination - Renewals, p. 412, 1057


(Board of Massage Therapy)

24.155.601    Licensure by Grandfather Clause, p. 1611, 315


(Board of Nursing)

24.159.301    and other rules - Definitions - Purpose - Criteria for Delegation of Nursing Tasks - General Nursing Functions - Parliamentary Authority - Preparation of Licenses - Duplicate or Lost Licenses - Nursing Delegation, p. 497

24.159.1010 and other rules - Standards Related to Intravenous (IV) Therapy - Nurse Licensure Compact, p. 516, 1389


(Board of Outfitters)

24.171.502    Outfitter Qualifications, p. 521, 624, 1756


(Board of Pharmacy)

24.174.503    and other rules - Administration of Vaccines - Additions, Deletions, and Rescheduling of Dangerous Drugs - Scheduling of Dangerous Drugs, p. 524, 1491


(Board of Physical Therapy Examiners)

24.177.501    and other rules - Examinations - Licensure of Out-of-State Applicants - Dry Needling - Renewals - Complaint Procedure, p. 531, 1907


(Board of Public Accountants)

24.201.301    and other rules - Definitions - Fee Schedule - Use of CPA/LPA Designation - Licensing and Examinations - Professional Conduct Rules - Mandatory Peer Review - Renewal and Continuing Education - Complaint Procedures - Firms–Registration - Approved Peer Review Programs and Standards - Fee Abatement - Out-of-State Applicants Continuing Education Requirement, p. 110


(Board of Radiologic Technologists)

24.204.401    and other rules - Fees - Military Training - Course Requirements for Limited Permit Applicants - Code of Ethics - Renewals, p. 1818, 2274


(Board of Real Estate Appraisers)

24.207.101    and other rules - Board Organization - Fees - Definitions - Examination - Application Requirements - Qualifying Experience - Mentor Requirements - Registration and Renewal - Record-Keeping Requirements - Unprofessional Conduct - Renewals, p. 1405, 217


(Board of Realty Regulation)

24.210.625    and other rules - Inactive to Active License Status - New Licensee Mandatory Continuing Education - Continuing Real Estate Education - Inactive to Active Status–Property Management - Continuing Property Management Education, p. 416, 933


(Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners)

24.213.412    and other rule - Renewals - Board Seal, p. 259, 1201


(Board of Behavioral Health)

I-III                Licensees Authorized to Perform Psychological Assessments - Educational Requirements for Performing Psychological Assessments Without Supervision - Licensees Qualified to Supervise Psychological Assessments, p. 1614, 2276

24.219.101    and other rules - Board Organization - Definitions - Fee Schedules - Supervisor Qualifications - LCSW Licensure - LCPC Licensure - LMFT Licensure - Code of Ethics - Screening Panel - Public Participation - LCPC Education Requirements - LMFT Education Requirements - Social Worker Licensure Candidates - Professional Counselor Licensure Candidates - Marriage and Family Therapist Licensure Candidates - Renewals - Complaint Procedure, p. 1991, 221


LIVESTOCK, Department of, Title 32


32.2.401        and other rules - Feral Swine Mandatory Reporting - Fees - Additional Requirements for Cattle - Semen Shipped Into Montana, p. 2221, 223

32.2.406        Licensee Assessments, p. 2017, 6

32.3.139        and other rules - Appointment as Deputy State Veterinarian - Requirements for Importation - Official Health Certificate - Permits - Brands and Earmarks - Permit Required for Livestock, Game, Furbearing Animals, Wild Animals, Embryos, and Semen, p. 208, 423, 936

32.3.221        Special Requirements for Alternative Livestock as Defined in 87-4-406, MCA - Intrastate Movement of Cattle: Identification - Elk-Red Deer Hybridization Tests - Importation of Alternative Livestock, p. 505

32.6.712        Food Safety and Inspection Service (Meat, Poultry), p. 135, 463


(Board of Milk Control)

I-II                 Penalties, p. 293

32.23.102      and other rules - Licensee Assessments, p. 1351, 1908

32.23.301      Licensee Assessments, p. 2227, 317

32.24.506      and other rule - Producer Committee - Pooling Plan Definitions, p. 2230, 319


(Board of Horse Racing)

32.28.101      and other rules - Board of Horse Racing, p. 2252




I                    East Valley Controlled Groundwater Area, p. 2020, 224

I                    Rye Creek Stream Depletion Zone, p. 2235, 297

36.16.101      and other rules - Water Reservation Rules, p. 1108, 1909


(Board of Land Commissioners)

36.11.432      and other rule - Grizzly Bear Conservation Measures on the Stillwater and Coal Creek State Forest, p. 8

36.25.1001    and other rules - Cabin Site Leasing, p. 181


(Board of Oil and Gas Conservation)

I                    Certify Carbon Sequestration Equipment Placed in Service After January 1, 2014, and Certified by the Department of Environmental Quality Prior to October 1, 2015, p. 798, 1202

I                    Certification of Carbon Sequestration Equipment, p. 1355, 2035




I                    Short-Term Voluntary Inpatient Mental Health Treatment, p. 1245, 1761

I-IV                Implementing the Medicaid Rate as the Reimbursement Rate the State of Montana Will Pay Health Care Providers for Services Provided to Individuals in the Care or Custody of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Public Health and Human Services, p. 1854, 2313

I-X                 Implementation of the Montana Health and Economic Livelihood Partnership (HELP) Program, p. 1837, 2294

I-XI                Production and Sale of Cottage Food Products, p. 1008, 1241, 1494

37.8.107        and other rules - Update of Vital Records to Reflect Current Practices, p. 891, 1492

37.8.116        Increasing Certain Fees for Certified Copies of Vital Records, p. 434

37.36.604      Updating the Annual Poverty Guidelines for the Montana Telecommunications Access Program, p. 888, 2146

37.40.422      Updating Direct Care Wage Effective Dates and Reimbursement Updates Effective January 1, 2016, p. 2128, 320

37.40.830      Updating Hospice Reimbursement Fee Schedules to Reflect New Federal Rates, p. 2024, 20

37.57.102      and other rule - Updating Federal Poverty Guidelines to 2015 Levels and to Align Children's Special Health Services (CSHS) With the Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) Financial Assistance Eligibility Criteria, p. 1130, 2148

37.70.107      and other rules - Low Income Assistance Program (LIEAP) Amendments for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Heating Season, p. 1624, 2145

37.79.304      and other rule - Healthy Montana Kids (HMK)/CHIP Dental Benefits and Evidence of Coverage, p. 1832, 2292

37.80.101      and other rules - Child Care Assistance - Implementation of Required Policy Changes Under the Child Care and Development Block Grant of 2014, p. 1652

37.81.304      Updating the Big Sky Rx Maximum Premiums to Match the Federal Monthly Benefit Benchmark, p. 2028, 21

37.85.104      and other rule - Updating the Fee Schedules for Adult and Children's Mental Health Fee Schedules, p. 1018, 1911

37.85.105      and other rule - Effective Dates of Montana Medicaid Provider Fee Schedules, p. 1826, 2238, 151

37.85.204      and other rules - Medicaid Program Treatment Limits - Cost-Share Requirements - Medicaid Coverage, p. 409

37.86.101      Updating the Physician-Related Services Provider Manual, p. 1667, 2092

37.86.1006    Establishment of an Annual Payment Limit for Dental Services Provided Through Medicaid, p. 1859, 2315

37.86.2803    and other rules - Addition of Lactation Services to Medicaid Outpatient Hospital Services, p. 1661, 1823, 2289

37.86.3503    and other rules - Compliance to ICD-10-CM, p. 1415, 2283

37.86.5110    Revision of Exceptions for Passport to Health Services Referrals, p. 1127, 1912

37.87.102      and other rules - Revision of Authorization Requirements for Medicaid Mental Health Services for Youth, p. 1023, 1243, 1500

37.87.1201    and other rules - Provider Participation - Program Requirements - Reimbursement Procedures for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Services, p. 985, 1239, 2147

37.87.2203    and other rules - Non-Medicaid Respite Care Services for Youth With Serious Emotional Disturbance, p. 801, 1274

37.106.704    Ten Additional Inpatient Beds Granted by a Waiver Under the Patients and Providers Act of 2008 for Critical Access Hospitals, p. 430

37.106.1901 and other rules - Adding a Forensic Mental Health Facility Endorsement to a Licensed Mental Health Center, p. 1424, 144

37.107.117    Reduction of Application and Renewal Fees Associated With the Montana Marijuana Act Cardholder Registry, p. 298

37.114.701    and other rules - Implementation of HB 158 (2015) Regarding the Modernization of Immunization Laws Related to School, p. 999, 1493


PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION, Department of, Title 38


38.3.104        and other rules - Motor Carriers, p. 628, 1276

38.5.1307      and other rules - Telephone Extended Area Service, p. 265, 1203

38.5.1902      Cogeneration and Small Power Production, p. 1442, 2318

38.5.2202      and other rule - Pipeline Safety, p. 2132, 321

38.5.3403      Operator Service Provider Allowable Rates, p. 1134, 1508


REVENUE, Department of, Title 42


I-III                Tax Credits for Contributions to Qualified Education Providers - Student Scholarship Organizations, p. 1682, 2331, 2348

42.2.303        and other rule - Meetings With Department Leadership, Information Access, and the Department's Acceptance of Power of Attorney Requests, p. 439

42.2.511        Review of Centrally Assessed Property Appraisals - Removing an Outdated Reference to a Form Number, p. 1136, 1509

42.2.613        and other rules - Uniform Dispute Review Process - Department's Office of Dispute Resolution, p. 442, 510

42.4.2902      and other rules - Tax Credits for Historic Property Preservation, p. 1862, 2362

42.9.101        and other rules - Pass-Through Entities, p. 1694, 2152

42.11.104      and other rules - Liquor Prices - Vendor Product Representatives and Permits - Samples - Advertising - Unlawful Acts - Inventory Policy (Powdered/Crystalline Liquor Products) - Product Availability - Product Listing - Bailment - State Liquor Warehouse Management, p. 1254, 1671, 2093

42.11.301      and other rules - Agency Liquor Stores, p. 1735, 2162

42.13.301      and other rules - Distillery Deliveries - Alternating Proprietor on a Manufacturer's Premises - Contract Manufacturing - Storage of Alcoholic Beverages, p. 1727, 2157

42.13.902      and other rules - Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service Act Server Training Programs, p. 732, 1205

42.15.108      and other rules - Fiduciaries, Estates, and Trusts, p. 897, 22

42.15.214      Resident Military Salary Exclusion, p. 1679, 2325

42.18.124      and other rules - Property Valuation Periods - Property Appraiser Certification Requirements, p. 1448, 2040

42.19.401      and other rules - Property Tax Assistance Programs, p. 1453, 2041

42.19.1401    Targeted Economic Development Districts, p. 806, 1281

42.20.102      and other rules - Property Classification, Appraisal, Valuation, and Exemptions, p. 1709, 2350

42.21.113      and other rules - Trended Depreciation Schedules for Valuing Property, p. 1866, 2364

42.21.158      and other rules - Personal Property Reporting Requirements - Personal Property Taxation Dates - Livestock Reporting - Livestock Per Capita Fee Payments, p. 1673, 2322

42.22.101      and other rules - Centrally Assessed Property, p. 1686, 2149

42.22.1311    Industrial Machinery and Equipment Trend Factors, p. 456

42.25.1801    Crude Oil Pricing - Stripper Well Bonus and Stripper Well Exemption Definitions, p. 301

42.29.101      and other rules - Universal System Benefits Programs, p. 13

42.38.102      and other rules - Unclaimed Property, p. 1249, 2036


SECRETARY OF STATE, Office of, Title 44


1.2.419          Scheduled Dates for the 2016 Montana Administrative Register, p. 1744, 2097

1.3.307          and other rule - Rulemaking Notice Requirements, p. 1748, 2098

44.2.301        and other rules - Business Services Division Filings and Fees, p. 304

44.3.110        and other rules - Voting Accessibility for Electors With Disabilities - Montana Absent Uniformed Services and Overseas Voter Act, p. 915, 1286

44.5.114        and other rule - Fees Charged by the Business Services Division for the Filing of Annual Reports, p. 2031, 2367

44.5.120        Trademark Fees, p. 1751, 2099

44.5.121        Miscellaneous Fees Charged by the Business Services Division, p. 2241, 200, 519

44.5.122        and other rule - Fees Charged by the Secretary of State, p. 1038, 1364, 1765

44.5.131        Rules Governing the Registration of Business/Mark Names, p. 1469, 2042

44.6.110        and other rules - Secretary of State's Electronic Filing System - Filing of a Title 71 Lien - Requirements for Filing UCC Amendments With the Business Services Division, p. 743, 1764

44.14.202      Retention of Local Government Electronic Long-Term Records, p. 920, 1288

44.14.301      and other rules - Fees Charged by the Records and Information Management Division, p. 1473, 2043

44.14.312      Fees Charged by the Records and Information Management Division, p. 2089, 90

44.15.101      and other rules - Notaries Public, p. 1358, 1913, 2096


(Commissioner of Political Practices)

44.10.101      and other rules - Campaign Finance Reporting, Disclosure, and Practices, p. 1138, 28, 81

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