In the matter of the amendment of ARM 32.3.1401 definitions, and 32.3.1406 testing of exposed equids | ) ) ) | NOTICE OF AMENDMENT |
TO: All Concerned Persons
1. On August 24, 2018, the Department of Livestock published MAR Notice No. 32-18-294 regarding the proposed amendment of the above-stated rules at page 1708 of the 2018 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 16.
2. The department has amended the above-stated rules as proposed.
3. The department received one comment. The comment and response are below:
COMMENT: "I am opposed to giving out of state horses an exemption 32.3.216 (6) from EIA testing while being transported or held in Montana feedlots waiting 30 or more days to be sent to slaughter in Alberta. Canada is requiring more time to be held before being slaughter to allow drug residue to be absent, and while untested horses from in state or out of state can be a risk to other horses nearby to these holding/feedlot areas, enforcing current law that requires EIA testing of horses being imported into Montana is prudent. This especially true as one herd of over 20 horses had to be destroyed because they were positive to EIA, as the department well knows."
"32.3.216 (5) Any horses crossing state lines must have a negative Coggins test for EIA annually and should never be given an exemption as other Montana horses are at risk when these out of state horses are in Montana. As EIA is a disease that requires death of the horse, relaxing these rules is Significant, and should not be done out of a convenience."
RESPONSE: The department thanks you for your comment. However, this comment is beyond the scope of the proposed rule changes.
BY: /s/ Michael S. Honeycutt BY: /s/ Cinda Young-Eichenfels
Michael S. Honeycutt Cinda Young-Eichenfels
Executive Officer Rule Reviewer
Board of Livestock
Department of Livestock
Certified to the Secretary of State December 11, 2018.