(1) On
classified forest lands the department shall use an integrated pest management
approach for noxious weed management that includes prevention, education,
cultural, biological, and chemical methods as appropriate.
(a) The department shall limit herbicide applications to areas where herbicides
provide a cost-effective means of control.
(b) The department shall consider new outbreaks of noxious weeds and locations where
native plant communities are threatened by noxious weed encroachment the first
priority for control.
(c) The department shall submit general re-vegetation plans for land-disturbing
projects to county weed boards as part of biennial agreements.
(d) The department shall promptly re-vegetate road rights-of-way and other disturbed
areas with site-adapted species including native species, as available.
(2) The department shall manage forested state trust lands with the intent of
controlling the spread of weeds.
(a) Practices to be utilized include, but are not limited to:
(i) the use of weed-free equipment;
(ii) prompt re-vegetation of roads;
(iii) minimizing ground disturbance; and
(iv) stipulations and control measures that limit the spread of weeds in timber sale contracts.
(3) A licensee of classified forest trust land shall be responsible for weed control
at their expense pursuant to ARM 36.25.132.
(4) On sites where weeds were introduced by recreation use, the department shall make
available a portion of recreational access fees for weed control pursuant to
ARM 36.25.159.
(5) All right-of-way agreements shall require the permittee to control weeds
commensurate with the permitted use.
(a) This may include fees charged for weed control by the department or the weed
(6) In areas where weeds are widespread across state and adjacent ownerships, the
department shall cooperate with weed districts on control projects.
(7) The department shall
review implementation of noxious weed control and mitigation measures on
cooperative projects and shall establish reasonable goals to address
deficiencies as determined by the department at its sole discretion.