(1) At all times during the progress of the work, the�well driller�shall protect the
well in such a manner as to effectively prevent either tampering with the well
or the entrance of foreign matter into it. Upon its completion, the well driller shall
provide and set a�sanitary well cap�or welded cap.
(2) Any well to be temporarily removed from service, temporarily abandoned due to a recess in construction, or any
well to be temporarily abandoned before commencing service, shall be capped
with a sanitary well cap,�watertight seal, watertight welded steel cap, or threaded cap.�
(3) Temporarily abandoned wells shall be grouted and sealed to comply with ARM 36.21.654 before the drill rig
is removed from the site.
(4) Temporarily abandoned
wells shall have an access port as per ARM 36.21.665.
(5)�Hydrants, frost-free hydrants, faucets, hose attachments, or discharge hardware that allow siphoning into a well cannot be directly attached to the well casing, pitless adapter, or well cap.�Hand pumps, windmills, or other manually operated discharge hardware that have hose connections or attachments and that attach directly to the well casing shall use a vacuum breaker or an anti-siphoning device. �Flowing wells shall be capped and sealed to comply with ARM 36.21.658.