(1) In general, a basic program in science shall:
(a) meet the following conditions:
(i) maintain an environment that recognizes scientific knowledge as the product of inquiry and is continually subject to review, verification, and revision; and
(ii) foster an environment that embraces the interactions of science, technology, and society.
(b) include the following practices:
(i) investigate problems of individual, social, and ethical importance in the natural world through the selection and application of appropriate scientific techniques;
(ii) connect initial inquiry and discovery to prior knowledge;
(iii) employ varied strategies for investigation, allowing students to understand science as a process, experience practical problem-solving, and develop critical thinking skills;
(iv) emphasize experimentation, data analysis, and the communication of findings to build new understandings by classifying ongoing observations, modeling natural phenomena, and developing the capacity to make inferences about unexplored concepts; and
(v) use technology for collaborative inquiries to extend curricular experiences within the school and to other schools, communities, and businesses.