(1) The criteria for a qualified provider to be authorized to deliver a service available through the 0208 HCBS Waiver Program are specified in the Provider Specifications for Services Matrix for the 0208 HCBS Waiver Program.
(2) The Provider Specifications for Services Matrix for the 0208 HCBS Waiver Program, dated December 27, 2013, sets forth the qualifications and standards that govern provider requirements in the provision of 0208 HCBS waiver services.
(3) The department adopts and incorporates by reference the Provider Specifications for Services Matrix for the 0208 HCBS Waiver Program, dated December 27, 2013.
(4) A copy of the matrix may be obtained through the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Program, 111 N. Sanders, PO Box 4210, Helena, MT 59604-4210 or at http://www.dphhs.mt.gov/dsd/ddp/medicaidwaivers.shtml.
(5) A provider must document the completion of training in the personnel file of the staff or in the provider's staff training file including:
(a) the date of the training;
(b) name and title of trainer;
(c) name and signature of person receiving the training;
(d) type of training;
(e) the agenda of the training; and
(f) hours of training.
(6) Any facility providing services must meet all applicable licensing requirements and fire and safety standards.
(7) A person directly providing services must be mentally and physically capable of assisting a person receiving services as required by the program.