(1) Use and disclosure of information is allowed only for the following purposes:
(a) to administer child care assistance under this chapter;
(b) to determine eligibility and amount of assistance for any other needs-based federally funded public assistance program for low income persons;
(c) to report possible child abuse or neglect to the appropriate agency or authority or respond to requests for information from an appropriate agency or authority investigating possible child abuse or neglect;
(d) to assist the Child Support Services Division or any other agency or entity authorized to conduct child support enforcement activities;
(e) to provide the applicant or recipient's current address to a state or local law enforcement officer, if the officer documents that the person is a fugitive felon whose arrest is the responsibility of the officer; additionally, the officer must provide the name and social security number of the recipient by written request;
(f) to provide information necessary for emergency medical or other critical needs;
(g) to provide information relevant to a child care licensing investigation; and
(h) any other disclosure required by law.
(2) An applicant or recipient of child care assistance is entitled to information regarding the applicant or recipient's case upon request, except:
(a) when release of the information is prohibited by law; or
(b) when release of the information would impede law enforcement.