(1) Except for approved overlap care, there shall be at least two caregivers caring for the children at all times when there are more than eight children present at the home.
(2) There shall be no more than six children under the age of two in a group day care home or three children under the age of two in a family day care home at any time, unless care is provided exclusively for children under the age of two.
(3) A family day care facility that cares exclusively for children under the age of two may not have more than four children present. A group day care facility that cares exclusively for children under the age of two must have no more than four children present unless there are two caregivers.
(4) There shall be sufficient staff so that an adult is always present and supervising all children.
(5) Except for approved overlap care, the provider may not provide care for a child if caring for that child would cause the provider to exceed the number of children the provider is registered to care for on the registration certificate.
(6) The provider shall maintain an up-to-date master list with the name, address, and phone number of all children in care and their parents or guardians.