(1) Each utility, distribution services
provider, and transmission service provider (if delivering gas for end-use) shall file with the commission a USBP plan no later than August 5, 1998.
(2) The filing shall include:
(a) a description of the proposed USBP plan, with supporting testimony;
(b) proposed tariffs reflecting changes to rates, if required, to fund the
USBP at no less than the minimum annual amount (percentage of annual revenues) established in ARM 38.5.7020;
(c) if the utility objects to the minimum annual amount established in ARM
38.5.7020, the utility may also file, in addition the requirements of (2) (a) and (b) , above, an alternative proposal, with supporting testimony; and
(d) a description of the utility's or provider's
USBP, formal or informal, in place for the period May 2, 1997, to August 5,
1998, identifying the amount (in percentage of annual revenues) at which the
program was funded and the amount (in percentage of annual revenues) which was
applied to low-income weatherization and bill assistance, and a proposal
for implementing (4) , if applicable.
(3) The commission may approve the plan on an
interim basis and commence contested case proceedings to determine whether the
plan should be approved on a final basis, and, if the utility has objected to
minimum annual amount pursuant to (2) (c) , above, whether good cause has been
shown to adjust that amount.
(4) Utilities and providers not having a program in place on May 2, 1997, and
thereafter, funded to at least .42 percent of annual revenues and from which at
least .42 percent of annual revenues was applied to low-income
weatherization and bill assistance shall, in the USBP filing and in addition to
establishing a USBC to generate, system-wide, an annual amount as
established in ARM 38.5.7020, establish USBP accounting reserve computed by
applying .42 percent of annual revenues from May 2, 1997, to August 5, 1998.
The reserve will be allocated to approved ongoing USBPs, one time USBPs, USBP
start-up expenses for new programs, and like expenses, all relating to
low-income weatherization and bill assistance. At such time as these are
implemented recovery of the reserve will be allowed over a one year period.