(1) Subject to ARM 42.29.111, credits or expenditures permitted in support of cost-effective energy conservation include, but are not limited to:
(a) energy audits;
(b) water heater programs;
(c) lighting efficiency conversions;
(d) motor efficiency conversions;
(e) consumer conservation education;
(f) demand side management programs;
(g) ground-source heat pumps used for energy efficiency savings;
(h) irrigation audits to reduce power requirements;
(i) programs such as super good cents;
(j) design/construction assistance for energy-efficient construction;
(k) design/implementation assistance for retrofits of existing loads;
(l) waste heat generation expenses;
(m) street lighting/security lighting upgrades for efficiency;
(n) incremental cost of distribution efficiency expenditures attributable to increases in energy efficiency above acceptable minimum industry standards that are documented and verified by an electrical engineer;
(o) peak-shaving devices applied in customer facilities for the purpose of reducing peak demands excluding interruptible service or payment for curtailment rates; and
(p) large customer conservation investments made pursuant to Title 69, chapter 8, MCA.
(2) Credits and expenditures for cost-effective conservation shall include a cross-fuels analysis where appropriate.
(3) Pure load building costs or expenses are not acceptable universal system benefits programs credit or expenditure activities.