(1) The Commission has established a statewide interlibrary resource-sharing program (hereinafter resource-sharing program) to support and facilitate resource-sharing among libraries in Montana.� The resource-sharing program consists of those library services provided to participating libraries pursuant to the Group Services Contract between the Montana State Library and OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., and the services provided to participating libraries through the licensing and maintenance of the Montana Shared Catalog.� Fifty percent of the funds appropriated by the Legislature for the resource-sharing program shall be allocated to pay a portion of the cost of the Group Services Contract between the Montana State Library and OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.� The remaining 50 percent of the funds appropriated by the Legislature for the resource-sharing program shall be allocated to pay a portion of the ongoing cost of licensing and maintaining the Montana Shared Catalog for participating libraries. The latter funds shall not be used for the purpose of offsetting the cost of adding new-member libraries to the Montana Shared Catalog.