(1) The department will annually undertake formal rulemaking to select a formulary. The formulary may be any one of the following:
(a) a formulary published by a commercial vendor;
(b) a formulary published by another state for use in workers' compensation and occupational disease claims; or
(c) a formulary specially developed by the department.
(2) The department adopts and incorporates by reference its formulary as follows:
(a) for prescriptions written on or after July 1, 2023, the April 2023 edition of the ODG Drug formulary; and
(b) all prior ODG drug formulary lists starting January 2019, are available on the department's website or by contacting the department to request a copy.
(3) Pursuant to 2-4-307, MCA, the automatic monthly updates of the annually adopted edition of the formulary are incorporated by reference without additional rulemaking, and are applicable as of the date the update is posted on the department's web site.
(4) The formulary is available on the department's website and from the vendor, via electronic access, at a subscription rate charged by the vendor, which may include supplemental information or materials that are not incorporated by reference. The vendor may be contacted at www.mcg.com/odg, and at ODG by MCG Health, 3006 Bee Caves Road, Suite A250, Austin, TX 78746.
(5) Archived versions of the formulary will be maintained by the department for five years from the date of the adoption of the formulary.