(1) The benchmark for speaking and listening content standard 3 for a student at the end of grade 8 is the ability to:
(a) communicate with a clear purpose, well-developed organization, and support from a variety of sources;
(b) use verbal language appropriate to occasion, audience, and topic;
(c) explain and appropriately use verbal and non-verbal skills to enhance presentations and manage communication anxiety;
(d) monitor understanding by identifying and using strategies (e.g., inquiring, taking notes, summarizing oral and visual clues) ;
(e) distinguish information from persuasion, and logic from emotion;
(f) compare and contrast one's own experiences, information, and insights with the message received in a variety of communication situations;
(g) compare and contrast enjoyable listening experiences by examining different renditions of the same work (e.g., same selection interpreted by different performers) ; and
(h) identify, anticipate, and manage barriers to listening.