(1) Elevator mechanic licenses issued by the department are not required for individuals who do not require access to the pit, hoistway, or top of the car to install:
(a) signal systems;
(b) fans;
(c) electric light fixtures;
(d) illuminated thresholds; and
(e) feeder wires to the terminals on the elevator main line control.
(2) Elevator mechanic licenses are not required for operational testing and maintenance work that is performed on conveyances when the appropriate lockout and tagout procedures have been performed by the person doing that work.
(a) Except where allowed by law, interactive testing and maintenance checks may only be performed by licensed elevator personnel.
(3) Elevator contractor licenses issued by the department are not required for:
(a) an owner or employee of the owner performing only operational testing and maintenance on conveyances; or
(b) a public agency that employs licensed elevator mechanics to perform maintenance.
(4) The construction or modification of hoistway enclosure or machine room enclosure that does not involve alteration, repair or maintenance of an elevator does not require an elevator contractor's license. However, the alteration to these structures must comply with all other applicable sections of the currently adopted building regulations.
(5) A licensed elevator contractor may use a helper to assist a licensed elevator mechanic or limited mechanic during an installation. Assistance does not include performing any function that requires knowledge, skills, or abilities of an elevator mechanic or limited mechanic.