(1) The data provided under ARM 14.8.205 with the recommendations derived under ARM 14.8.206 shall be used to inform and advise the governor of the need for curtailment activities.
(2) The information provided under subsection (1) shall be made available to the energy policy committee established by Section 90-4-303, MCA, and the committee's advice shall be sought concerning the existence of an energy supply alert or energy emergency situation.
(3) During the process of determining the existence of an energy supply alert or emergency, the governor shall seek the advice of consumers, utilities and state agencies.
(4) The criteria that the governor shall follow in determining whether to declare an energy supply alert or energy emergency are set forth in Sections 90-4-308 and 90-4-310, MCA. Also, the governor shall take cognizance of the language in Section 90-4-302 (6) and (7) , MCA, which define energy supply alert and emergency.