(1) Renewal notices will be sent as specified in ARM 24.101.414. The licensee must fill out the renewal application and return it to the board by the date set by ARM 24.101.413, together with the renewal fee. Upon receiving the renewal application and fee, the board shall issue a certificate of renewal for the two-year period following the renewal date set by ARM 24.101.413. If the renewal application is postmarked after the renewal deadline, it is subject to the late penalty fee specified in ARM 24.101.403.
(2) The provisions of ARM 24.101.408 apply.
(3) Renewal notices will be sent to all currently licensed advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) as specified in ARM 24.101.414. The licensee shall complete the application and return it, the proof of continuing education required by (3) (a) (iii) and (4) , and the renewal fee to the board before the date set by ARM 24.101.413. Upon receiving the completed renewal application and fee, the board shall issue a certificate of renewal for the two-year period following the date set by ARM 24.101.413. If the renewal application is postmarked after the renewal deadline, it is subject to the late penalty fee specified in ARM 24.101.403. The provisions of ARM 24.101.408 apply.
(a) The renewal application includes a declaration made under penalty of perjury of the laws of Montana. The declaration must include:
(i) a description of how the individual will implement the plan of quality assurance, including identification of the reviewer(s) ;
(ii) an acknowledgement of the scope of the individual's practice;
(iii) a description of the continuing education units earned or applicable to the renewal period;
(iv) the location of practice site(s) ; and
(v) the individual's current DEA registration number, if applicable.
(4) All APRNs shall complete 20 continuing education units per year, or 40 units per renewal period, pertaining to the areas of the individual's certification. APRNs who practice in a subspecialty setting shall complete the majority of the required continuing education credits in the area of the individual's subspecialty.