(1) In order to ensure an adequate and potable supply of water, a work camp must either:
(a) connect to a water supply system meeting the requirements of Title 17, chapter 38, subchapters 1, 2, and 5 of the Administrative Rules of Montana; or
(b) if the work camp utilizes a water system with no more than 9 service connections or is utilized by no more than 24 persons or no more than 9 families daily during all but 59 or fewer days out of the calendar year, including guests, staff, and residents; and an adequate public water supply system is not accessible; utilize a non-public water supply system whose construction and use meet those standards set in department OF environmental quality circular #84-11, except that if it is not feasible to develop a permanent water supply due to the temporary or transient nature of the work camp, a temporary water supply may be utilized which is constructed and operated in accordance with one of the following department of environmental quality circulars:
(i) Circular #11 for springs
(ii) Circular #17 for cisterns.
(2) A non-public water supply system other than one meeting the standards in circulars #11, #17, or #84-11 may be utilized only if it is designed by an engineer registered in Montana and, to the satisfaction of the department and local health officer, offers sanitary protection equivalent to that provided by those circulars.
(3) If a work camp uses a non-public water supply system, it must submit a water sample from that water supply system at least quarterly to a laboratory licensed by the department of public health and human services to perform microbiological analysis of water supplies, in order to determine that the water does not exceed the maximum microbiological contaminant levels stated in ARM 17.38.207.
(4) A work camp must replace or repair the water supply system serving it whenever the water supply:
(a) contains microbiological contaminants in excess of the maximum levels cited in ARM 17.38.207; or
(b) does not have the capacity to provide adequate water for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, laundry, and water-carried waste disposal.
(5) Any extension, alteration, repair, or replacement of a water distribution system, or development of a new water supply system, must be in accordance with the standards set forth in this rule.
(6) Unless each living unit in the work camp is provided with an individual water service connection, the work camp must provide a common water station which:
(a) consists of at least a water hydrant;
(b) is protected against backflow and hose contamination; and
(c) is located so that the use of the hose for sewage holding tank flushing is impossible.
(7) If facilities for individual water service connections to trailers are provided, they must meet the following requirements:
(a) Water riser pipes provided for individual water service connections must:
(i) be so located, constructed, and protected (for example, by posts, fences, or other permanent barriers) that they will not be damaged by the parking of trailers or vehicles; and
(ii) extend at least 4 inches above ground elevation and be at least 3/4 of an inch in diameter.
(b) Measures must be taken which are adequate to prevent freezing of service lines, valves, and riser pipes.
(c) Where water risers are provided for irrigation use, a "backflow preventer" must be installed in the water service line at or near the outlet.
(d) A stop-and-waste valve and cock may be installed in an underground water service line only if:
(i) the stop-and-waste valve is located a minimum of two feet above the level of the water table and in soil providing good drainage.
(ii) at least 10 feet of horizontal distance exists between a sewer line connection and the stop-and-waste valve.
(e) Valves must be provided for the outlet of each water service connection and must be turned off and the outlets capped or plugged when the latter are not in use.
(8) A water service lateral must be constructed as follows:
(a) Pipe used for a water service lateral must be either copper, 160 psi-rated plastic approved for potable water supply use, or an equivalent.
(b) Inside pipe diameter must be a minimum of 3/4 of an inch.
(c) The lateral must be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed sewer unless:
(i) it is laid in a separate trench or an undisturbed earth shelf located on one side of the sewer, in either case at such an elevation that the bottom of the water service lateral is at least 12 inches above the top of the sewer; or
(ii) the sewer is constructed of schedule 40 PVC, schedule 40 ABS, or standard weight cast iron pipe tested for leakage in accordance with ARM 37.111.616, in which case the lateral may be laid without regard to vertical separation from the sewer.
(d) A lateral constructed less than 10 feet from a sewer must be kept to one side of the sewer, with crossings minimized.
(e) A lateral crossing a sewer line must be laid to provide a minimum vertical distance of 12 inches between the bottom of the lateral and the top of the sewer line, unless a single length of schedule 40 PVC, schedule 40 ABS, or standard weight cast iron pipe tested for leakage in accordance with ARM 37.111.616 is centered on the crossing, in which case the pipe may be laid without regard to vertical separation.
(9) The department hereby adopts and incorporates by reference:
(a) Title 17, chapter 38, subchapters 1, 2, and 5 of the Administrative Rules of Montana which, respectively, set standards protecting the bacteriological, chemical, and radiological quality of public drinking water supplies; protect water hauled for cisterns from contamination, and require preconstruction review and set construction standards for water and sewer systems.
(b) ARM 17.38.207, stating maximum microbiological contaminant levels for public water supplies; and
(c) the following department of environmental quality publications setting construction, operation, and maintenance standards for springs, wells, and cisterns, respectively:
(i) Department of environmental quality circular #11, "Springs"
(ii) Department of environmental quality circular #84-11, "Minimum Design Standards for Small Water Systems"
(iii) Department of environmental quality circular #17, "Cisterns for Water Supplies". Copies of ARM Title 17, chapter 38, subchapters 1, 2, or 5; ARM 17.38.207; or Circulars #11, #84-11 or #17 may be obtained from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Food and Consumer Safety Section, 1400 Broadway, P.O. Box 202951, Helena, Montana 59620-2951.