The following definitions apply to this subchapter:
(1) "Bedding" means mattresses, box springs, mattress covers, mattress pads, sheets, pillow slips, pillows, pillow covers, blankets, comforters, quilts, bedspreads, or sleeping bags.
(2) "Fixture" means a shower, bathtub, toilet, toilet seat, urinal, lavatory, kitchen sink, janitor or custodial sink, or utensil sink and all exposed plumbing integral to each.
(3) "Furnishing" means cups, glasses, pitchers, utensils, draperies, curtains, blinds, light fixtures, lamps and lamp shades, chairs, tables, desks, shelves, books, magazines, bookcases, dressers, bedsteads, mattress springs other than box springs, towels, wash cloths, soap, toilet tissue, radios, television sets, coffee makers, water heaters, pictures, mirrors, cabinets, closets, refrigerators, or similar items.
(4) "Local health authority" means a local health officer or sanitarian authorized to act on behalf of a local board of health.