(1) Whenever human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection occurs, infection control fluid precautions must be used for the duration of the infection.
(2) If a test confirms HIV infection, the department will contact the health care provider submitting the test or another health care provider designated by the subject of the test in order to determine whether acquired immune deficiency syndrome is present. If AIDS exists, the provider must submit a report pursuant to ARM 37.114.205.
(3) Either a health care provider treating an individual with HIV infection for that infection or a representative of the department or local health department must:
(a) instruct the case how to prevent spreading the HIV infection to others;
(b) provide the case with information about any available services relevant to the case's health status and refer the case to appropriate services;
(c) interview the infected person to determine the person's contacts; and
(d) locate each contact, counsel each contact, advise the contact to receive testing to determine the contact's HIV status, and refer the contact for appropriate services.
(4) The health care provider must either conduct the interview with the case and assist the case with contact notification or request the department to assist in conducting the interview and/or notifying contacts.