(1) Infection control precautions must be imposed upon a case of pertussis for five days after the start of antibiotic therapy, or 21 days after the date of onset of symptoms if no antibiotic therapy is given.
(2) An individual identified by the local health officer as a close contact must be referred by the officer to a physician for chemoprophylaxis.
(3) A person identified by the local health officer as a close contact must be monitored by the local health officer for respiratory symptoms for 20 days after the person's last contact with the case.
(4) If a close contact shows respiratory symptoms consistent with pertussis, the health officer must order the contact to avoid contact with anyone outside of the contact's immediate family until a medical evaluation indicates that the contact is not developing pertussis.
(5) Surveillance for susceptible contacts must be initiated immediately by the local health officer and immediate immunizations recommended by the officer must be administered to identified susceptible contacts.