(1) Whenever a case of pneumonic plague exists:
(a) isolation must be imposed for no less than three days following commencement of antibiotic therapy to which the infected person responds; and
(b) those who are identified by the local health officer as having been in household or face-to-face contact with the case must be placed on chemoprophylaxis and kept under surveillance by the local health officer for seven days, or, if they refuse chemoprophylaxis, be kept in strict isolation with careful surveillance for seven days.
(2) Whenever a case of bubonic plague exists, infection control precautions must be imposed until antibiotic therapy has been terminated and the lesions are bacteriologically negative for plague bacilli.
(3) Concurrent disinfection of discharges and bodily fluids must be done in all plague cases.
(4) An investigation must be conducted by the local health officer to identify vectors and reservoirs whenever a case of bubonic plague exists.