(1) The board hereby adopts and incorporates herein by reference 40 CFR Subpart N (except 40 CFR Part 403) , which is a series of federal agency rules setting forth effluent limitations for existing point source dischargers and standards of performance for new point source dischargers discharging into state waters. Copies of 40 CFR Subpart N (except 40 CFR Part 403) may be obtained from the Department of Environmental Quality, PO Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901.
(2) The effluent limitations and standards of performance adopted and incorporated herein may be incorporated in any MPDES permit, modification, or renewal thereof issued in accordance with ARM Title 17, chapter 30, subchapters 13 or 14.
(3) 40 CFR Part 403, which is excluded from this incorporation by reference, sets forth general pretreatment requirements for new and existing sources of pollution. Montana pretreatment requirements appear in ARM Title 17, chapter 30, subchapter 14.