(1) For the purpose of meeting the 3000-hour requirement of 37-22-301 (2) (b) , MCA, an applicant shall provide verification of the following:
(a) 3000 supervised hours spent providing psychotherapy or clinical social work services to individuals, families, and groups, of which at least 50 percent shall include the application of psychosocial methods in direct client contact;
(b) supervision, on a form approved by the board, which shall include at least 100 documented hours of individual or group supervision by a qualified supervisor. At least 50 percent of the 100 hours shall be individual and face-to-face by a licensed social worker, and at least ten hours of which includes direct observation of the service delivery. Each supervisory session shall be documented with the following information:
(i) date and length of supervision in increments not less than 15 minutes;
(ii) names of applicant, supervisor (including type of license and number) and signatures of both;
(iii) content summary (excluding confidential information) .
(c) supervision which has been conducted on a regular basis. No more than 160 hours of social work experience shall transpire without providing at least two hours of supervision. Less frequent supervision may take place under unusual circumstances only with prior approval by the board.
(d) supervisor's experience and expertise with the applicant's client population (i.e. child, adolescent, adult, chemically dependent) and methods of practice (i.e. individual, group, family, crisis or brief interventions) .
(e) supervisor's relationship with the applicant which shall not constitute a conflict of interest, such as (but not limited to) being in a cohabitation or financially dependent relationship with the applicant, or being the applicant's parent, child, spouse or sibling.
(f) a supervision agreement in writing and in a format approved by the board. The agreement shall include, but not be limited to:
(i) the applicant's and supervisor's names, signature and dates;
(ii) terms of the agreement including financial compensation, frequency and method of supervision, duration and termination provision; and
(iii) a statement of confidentiality and the supervisor's qualifications.
(2) The 3000 hours shall have been completed in their entirety at the time of submission of the application.