(1) The library shall be housed in a central location, and each school shall have a full-time or part-time certified school library media specialist with a K-12 library media endorsement at the following ratio:
(a) .5 FTE for schools with 126-250 students;
(b) 1 FTE for schools with 251-500 students;
(c) 1.5 FTE for schools with 501-1000 students;
(d) 2 FTE for schools with 1001-1500 students;
(e) 2.5 FTE for schools with 1501-2000 students;
(f) 3 FTE for schools with 2001 or more students.
(2) Schools or districts of fewer than 125 students shall employ or contract with a certified, endorsed school library media specialist, or seek alternative ways to provide library media services, using certified personnel. For example, they may contract for services or receive services from a regional, certified library media specialist provided through joint efforts of adjacent districts and/or counties.
(a) Alternative services shall include:
(i) instruction in library media skills;
(ii) administration of a library media program that meets the district's instructional goals;
(iii) collection, development and management;
(iv) reader assistance;
(v) library media collection management; and
(vi) inservice in the use of new resources and equipment.