Any owner or operator wishing to establish a solid waste management system shall first submit an original application and 3 copies for a license to the department. � The application must be signed by the person responsible for the overall operation of the facility. � The department shall furnish application forms to interested persons. � Such forms shall require at least the following information:
(1) name and business address of applicant;
(2) legal and general description and ownership status of the proposed locations, including the land owner's name and address;
(3) documentation of ownership of the property or documentation demonstrating that the applicant has the right to operate a solid waste management system on the property;
(4) total acreage of proposed facility;
(5) population size and centers to be served by the proposed facility;
(6) name, address, and location of any public airports within 5 miles of the proposed facility;
(7) location of any lakes, rivers, streams, springs, or bogs, onsite or within 2 miles of the facility boundary;
(8) facility location in relation to the base floodplain of nearby drainages;
(9) pertinent water quality information;
(10) geological, hydrological, and soil information, including at least the following:
(a) Class II disposal facilities must submit geological, hydrological, and soil information that includes the following at a minimum:
(i) a hydrogeological and soils study as specified in ARM 17.50.705;
(ii) types and regional thickness of unconsolidated soils materials;
(iii) types and regional thickness of consolidated bedrock materials;
(iv) regional and local geologic structure, including bedrock strike and dip, and fracture patterns;
(v) geological hazards including but not limited to slope stability, faulting, folding, rockfall, landslides, subsidence, or erosion potential, that may affect the design and operation of the facility for solid waste management;
(vi) depth to and thickness of perched ground water zones and uppermost aquifers;
(vii) information regarding any domestic wells within one mile of the site boundary, including well location, well depth, depth to water, screened intervals, yields and aquifers tapped;
(viii) an evaluation of the potential for impacts to existing surface water and ground water quality from the proposed facility for solid waste management;
(b) transfer station and Class III and Class IV disposal facility applications must include sufficient soils, hydrologic and geologic information so that the department can evaluate the proposed safety and environmental impact of the proposed design;
(c) a ground water monitoring plan or a demonstration meeting the requirements of ARM 17.50.723 must be submitted for Class IV disposal facilities.
(11) present uses of adjacent lands and the owner's name and current address;
(12) zoning information;
(13) site maps and plans, drawn to a convenient common scale, that show the location and dimensions of any planned excavations, buildings, roads, fencing, access, or other structures proposed on-site;
(14) in addition to the above required site plan, all facilities which manage Group II waste must submit technical design specifications and a site plan that includes the following:
(a) the type, quantity, and location of any material that will be required for use as a daily and intermediate cover over the life of the site and facility;
(b) the type and quantity of any material that will be required for use as liner material or final cover, including its compaction density and moisture content specifications, the design permeability, and construction quality control and construction quality assurance plans;
(c) the location and depth of cut for any liners;
(d) the location and depths of any proposed fill or processing areas;
(e) the location, dimensions, and grades of any surface water diversion structures;
(f) the location and dimensions of any surface water containment structures, including those designed to impound contaminated runoff leachate, sludge, or liquids for evaporative treatment;
(g) the location of any proposed monitoring points for surface water, ground water quality, and explosive gases;
(h) the location, type, and dimensions of any fencing to be placed on-site;
(i) the final contours and grades of any fill surface after closure;
(j) the location of each discrete phase of development;
(k) the design details and specifications of any final cap, liner, and leachate collection and removal system, including construction quality control and assurance plans and testing for construction of these elements of design;
(l) a location map showing all the proposed structures and areas for unloading, baling, compacting, storage, and loading, including the dimensions, elevations, and floor plans for these structures and areas, including the general process flow; and
(m) the design details and specifications of the facility's drainage, septic and water supply systems;
(15) other maps, drawings related to the design or environmental impact of the proposed facility;
(16) name and address of individual operator;
(17) proposed operation and maintenance plan;
(18) other information necessary for the department to comply with the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) , Title 75, chapter 1, parts 1-3, MCA;
(19) closure and post-closure care plans; and
(20) financial assurance required by ARM 17.50.540.