(1) If charges for unregulated supply and energy
services are combined with regulated charges on a single bill, the unregulated
charges must be identified as unregulated and presented as separate line items.
(2) Bills must prominently identify the
name of each company for which charges are billed in close proximity to each
company's charges. Bills for small customers must provide each company's toll-free
telephone number for billing inquiries.
(3) The commission's address and toll-free
telephone number for customer complaints must appear on all bills for small
(4) The payment due date must appear on all bills.
(5) Electric and natural gas distribution utilities may enter into
agreements with electricity or natural gas suppliers for billings and
collections. The two companies must establish an efficient method of resolving
customer inquiries and disputes. The billing entity must be able to provide the
customer with the name, address and telephone number of an employee or
department responsible for customer dispute resolution.
(6) Bills for electricity services must clearly itemize each service
component and its respective charge, including:
(a) electricity supply;
(b) transmission and distribution;
(i) if charges for transmission and ancillary services are paid by a
supplier and passed on to a retail customer in electricity supply charges, the
supplier must identify the transmission portion of the charges;
(c) transition charges; and
(d) universal system benefits.
(7) Bills for natural gas services must
clearly itemize each service component and the charge associated with each
service component, including:
(a) natural gas supply;
(b) transportation and distribution;
(i) if charges for transportation and ancillary services are paid by a
supplier and passed on to a retail customer in natural gas supply charges, the
supplier must identify the transportation portion of the charges;
(c) transition charges; and
(d) universal system benefits.
(8) Bills must separately subtotal charges for regulated and unregulated
services. Bills combining charges for both electric and natural gas services
must separate the electricity-related portion of the bill from the
natural gas-related portion and separately subtotal the regulated and
unregulated charges for each.
(9) Bills must provide the actual cents per kilowatt hour or mcf/dkt charged
to the customer for the customer's usage of
or natural gas supply for the current billing period, calculated by dividing
the total charge for supply service by the customer's usage for the current
billing period.
(10) Undesignated partial payments of a
bill must be applied first to regulated service, then to service other than
regulated service in the percentage of each service provider's charges to the
total charges to the customer for services other than regulated service.
Regulated service may not be affected by billing disputes over unregulated
service or service provided by other companies.
(11) A for-profit affiliate of a
cooperative utility that uses a regulated distribution utility's facilities to
supply electricity or natural gas to customers outside the cooperative
utility's distribution service territory must satisfy the billing provisions of
this rule.