(1) Liquor products that can be obtained without substantial inventory investment to the department will be made available for sale to state agency liquor stores based on historical demand.
(2) Notwithstanding any other criteria in this subchapter, products which are packaged, labeled, or advertised in a manner that by their nature appears to appeal to underage consumers or tends to blur the distinction between alcoholic and nonalcoholic products by emphasizing the features that are normally associated with nonalcoholic products and minimizing the product's alcoholic content will not be made available for sale. Including but not limited to:
(a) candies filled with liquor in liquid form;
(b) labels depicting Santa Claus, cartoon type characters, or other child like figures; or
(c) containers not approved by the department.
(3) All containers and packaging must by approved by the department prior to being accepted into the liquor warehouse.