(1) Official grant and loan applications will be sent to the manager of record of every eligible state airport no later than the last Friday in October. Grant or loan applicants shall submit applications to the Montana Aeronautics Division to be received or postmarked no later than the fourth Friday in November. These deadlines may be subject to change by the Aeronautics Division after official notification of any change in the deadline that is posted on the Department of Transportation's website and sent to the official manager of record of every eligible airport.
(2) Official grant and loan applications, any required supplemental information, or additional program guidelines and help may also be obtained by contacting the Montana Aeronautics Division. Applications and any required supplemental information must be submitted to the Montana Aeronautics Division, Airports/Airways Bureau, P.O. Box 200507, Helena, MT 59620-0507. The division may request additional information if warranted after initial application review.
(3) There is no fee for any part of the application or review process.
(4) After the application submission deadline, the Aeronautics Division will review, organize and disseminate all applications to the board. The applicant is solely responsible for any incomplete, improperly edited or erroneous information submitted as part of the application.