(1) A permit must be obtained for each sign.
(2) A check payable to the Montana Department of Transportation in the amount of the nonrefundable inspection fee must accompany the sign permit application.
(3) A nonrefundable inspection fee in the amount of $100.00 will be assessed for each off-premise outdoor advertising sign erected within any area subject to state control by the department.
(4) The initial permit fee shall be 24/36 of the three-year renewal fee plus 1/36 of said renewal fee for each full month remaining in each calendar year following application approval.
(5) The initial permit fee must be paid within 30 days from the approval of the application or the permit may be canceled.
(6) Signs shall be assigned a permit number and given a permanent identification plate that must be attached to the structure and may be renewed every three years thereafter upon payment of a renewal fee as follows:
(a) 20 cents per square foot for signs 376 feet or more;
(b) if the sign structure has multiple sign faces, the renewal fee is based on the total square footage of the sign area; or
(c) $75.00 for signs with a face(s) of 375 square feet or less.
(7) Permits for new signs in conforming areas may be issued only after the proposed location and sign site has been checked in regard to spacing, size and lighting criteria and approved by the department.
(8) A new sign may not be erected without first applying for and receiving a permit.
(9) Ownership of a sign permit will not be transferred without the expressed written consent of the permit holder(s) . The current permit holder(s) must sign the document transferring the permit.
(10) Permits cannot be canceled except by the written request of either the permit holder(s) or the landowner(s) subject to the department's approval or by violations of the provisions of the Outdoor Advertising Act. The document requesting cancellation of a permit must be signed by the current permit holder or the landowner(s) .
(11) If the permit holder(s) are unable or unwilling to sign the cancellation document, the landowner(s) may request cancellation of the permit by providing the department with a document stating the reason for cancellation such as termination of the land lease between the permit holder(s) and the landowner(s) and indicating whether the landowner(s) have purchased the sign structure or if the sign structure will be removed. The landowner(s) must sign this document.