(1) Rates for county legal advertising shall not be more than $11 for the first folio insertion and not more than $9 for each subsequent insertion.
(2) The following is the basis of measurement for the computation of folios in the various sizes of type when set in one standard newspaper column width of approximately two inches:
(a) 12 lines of solid six-point type;
(b) 14 lines of solid seven-point type;
(c) 15 lines of solid eight-point type;
(d) 17 lines of solid nine-point type;
(e) 18 lines of solid ten-point type; or
(f) 100 words.
(3) Folios other than rule and figure work shall consist of 100 words when set in a standard newspaper column width of approximately two inches.
(4) Commissioners claims and proceedings shall be charged at the regular folio measurement unless content requires rule and figure work requiring two or more sets of figures in the same line.
(5) The following point system measurements shall be used. For computing 72 points to a linear column inch, there shall be:
(a) 12 lines of solid six-point type;
(b) 10.285 lines of solid seven-point type;
(c) nine lines of solid eight-point type;
(d) eight lines of solid nine-point type;
(e) 7.2 lines of solid ten-point type to each column inch.