(1) All bulls from multiple sources commingling in common pasture(s) that include male and female cattle shall have the official Trichomoniasis foetus test as in ARM 32.3.502 (1)(a) conducted after the last breeding season and within ten months prior to next season's turn out. This test is valid for the next year's breeding season unless bulls are commingled with female cattle. Virgin bulls added to a herd are exempt from testing requirements during their first breeding season.
(a) If any bull in the common grazing association is found to be positive, the entire bull population not including bull calves less than 12 months of age, regardless of owners, will be required to have three consecutive negative weekly tests prior to turn out time.
(b) Any stray nonvirgin bull from an untested group that enters the grazing area of tested animals may be held under quarantine until the bull has one or more official T. foetus test(s) conducted.
(c) The expense of testing shall be the responsibility of the bull's owner.