(1) The program shall have written personal policies including the following:
(a) selection, training, and supervision of all personnel;
(b) maintaining a current job description for each position. For contract staff, formal agreements or personnel contracts, which describe the nature and extent of client care services, may be substituted for job descriptions;
(c) maintaining a process governing volunteer (if utilized) activities and establishing appropriate training requirements;
(d) assuring annual performance reviews for all staff;
(e) actions to be taken if staff members misuse alcohol or other drugs;
(f) assuring staff orientation prior to assumption of duties including but not limited to:
(i) defining staff ethical standards and conduct, including reporting of unprofessional conduct to appropriate authorities;
(ii) staff grievance procedures;
(iii) the facility disaster/evacuation plan;
(iv) review of policy and procedure manual; and
(v) review of client rights as defined in ARM 37.106.1450.