(1) Fees for outfitters, operations plan, guide, or professional guides shall be as set forth below. The following fees are nonrefundable.
(a) New outfitter application and license. $1300
This fee includes the following costs, but does not include fees
related to operations plan.
(i) application processing 350
(ii) examination 150
(iii) investigation 400
(iv) license 400
(b) Application for amendment to outfitter license. 450
This fee includes the following costs:
(i) application processing 300
(ii) examination 150
(c) Renewal of outfitter license
(i) outfitter annual license 375
(ii) outfitter inactive status 200
(d) New operations plan
(i) review and processing 125
(ii) equipment inspection 375
(e) Fee per hunting client served per year 2
(f) Guide license
(i) initial and renewal guide license 150
(ii) initial processing of inactive guide license 50
(iii) activation of inactive guide license 100
(iv) renewal of inactive guide license 50
(g) Professional guide license
(i) initial license (inclusive of application processing) 250
(ii) renewal of license 150
(h) Fee for transfer of NCHU from each 50
outfitter involved in the transfer
(i) Fee for replacement watercraft identification 5
(j) Fee for audit of river-use days 50
(k) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following fees will
control for the 2012 license year:
(i) outfitter annual license 400
(ii) outfitter inactive status 225
(iii) initial and renewal guide license 175
(iv) activating inactive guide license 125
(l) Additional standardized fees are specified in ARM