The following list identifies the laboratory services and procedures available at the Montana Department of Livestock veterinary diagnostic laboratory (laboratory), and the fees charged for each of those services and/or procedures:
(1) Abortion studies, livestock (use abortion kits, instructions and SV43 form provided):
(a) histopathology and aerobic, brucella, campylobacter, trichomonas
cultures and darkfield examination $40.00
(2) Bacteriology (specify culture site/specimen, see SV43 form):
(a) aerobic culture (refrigerated specimen/ culturette):
(i) identify one isolate $14.00
(ii) additional isolates each $5.00
(b) anaerobic culture (facultative; use anaerobic culturette) $15.00
(c) antibiotic sensitivity (per isolate) $7.00
(d) Campylobacter (livestock reproductive disease) $11.00
(i) preputial wash, fetal membranes, fetal abomasal fluid;
campy transport media required contact lab
(e) campylobacter (intestinal contents) $11.00
(f) contagious equine metritis (CEM) culture contact lab
(g) chlamydial ELISA (moistened swab; fresh,
affected tissue; placenta) $17.00
(h) clostridium FA (fresh, refrigerated tissue from affected site $11.00
(i) clostridium perfringens genotyping
(fresh small intestinal contents; colony of isolate) cost of referral
(j) dermatophyte culture and PAS stain (skin scraping including hair) $25.00
(k) direct microscopy $7.00
(l) fecal occult blood $5.00 each or $7.00 minimum
(m) listeria (environmental swabs) $32.00
(n) listeria culture contact lab
(o) mycoplasma culture (fresh tissue, milk or culturette) $13.00
(p) non-dermatophyte fungal culture (fresh specimen) $20.00
(q) salmonella enteritis (environmental samples) contact lab
(r) special requests contact lab
(s) trichomonas culture (call laboratory if arrival will be on a weekend
[do not freeze], use SV69) preputial wash, uterine discharge,
fetal abomasal fluid $5.50
(3) Clinical Pathology (use form SV43R):
(a) clinical profiles (1 cc serum, whole blood, slides):
(i) small animal (SA) health screen (SA chem panel,
CBC/differential, UA) $40.00
(ii) SA clinical profile - (SA chem panel, CBC/differential) $30.00
(iii) SA pre-anesthetic profile - (BUN, CRE, ALT, ALP, Glu, TP, CBC/differential $22.00
(iv) large animal (LA) health screen - (LA chem panel,
CBC/differential, fibrinogen, UA) $40.00
(v) LA clinical profile - (LA chem panel, CBC/differential, fibrinogen) $30.00
(vi) LA pre-anesthetic profile - (BUN, GGT, AST, CK,
CBC/differential, fibrinogen) $23.00
(vii) feline ADR profile - (SA chem panel, T4, CBC/differential,
FeLV, FIV, FIA) $60.00
(viii) equine fitness profile - (AST, GGT, TBili, CK, TP, ALB, Glob,
Ca, PO4, Na, K, CL, TCO2, CBC/differential, fibrinogen) $25.00
(b) mini profiles (1 cc serum):
(i) SA hepatic profile - (ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, TBili, DBili,
TP, ALB, Glob, Chol, BUN, Glu) $15.00
(ii) SA renal profile - (BUN, CRE, TP, ALB, Glob, Ca, PO4, Na,
K, CL TCO2) $15.00
(iii) LA hepatic profile - (GGT, AST, TBili, TP, ALB) $11.00
(iv) LA renal profile - (BUN, CRE, TP, ALB, Ca, PO4, Na, K, CI) $12.00
(v) SA/LA animal gastrointestinal profile - (TP, ALB, Na, K, CI) $10.00
(vi) exocrine pancreatic profile (BUN, Ca, TP, ALB, Glu, ALP,
ALT, AST, Chol, Amylase) $15.00
(vii) canine endocrine profile - (Ca, PO4, TP, ALB, ALP, ALT,
AST, Chol, T4, Na, K, CL Glu) $21.00
(viii) feline thyroid profile - (ALP, ALT, AST, T4, BUN, CRE, PO4) $12.00
(ix) electrolytes (Na, K, CL, TCO2) $8.00
(x) LA electrolyte panel (Na ,k, CL, TCO2, Ca, Mg, PO4) $12.00
(c) biochemical panels (1 cc serum): $22.00
(i) SA chem panel (CK, AST, ALT, ALP, Glu, Chol, TP, Alb,
Glob, Ca, PO4, BUN, creat, TBilli, DBilli, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Amylase) $22.00
(ii) LA chem panel (BUN, creat, TBilli, DBilli, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Mg) $22.00
(d) urine evaluation (5-10 cc urine):
(i) urinalysis - (chemical, specific gravity, sediment evaluation) $11.00
(ii) urinalysis with culture/sensitivity $30.00
(e) individual biochemical tests (1/2 cc serum, or 1 cc if combined with other tests):
(i) canine thyroid panel (cTT4, cTSH, vFT4, TT3) $24.00
(ii) thyroid panel other than canine (TT4, vFT4, TT3) $19.00
(iii) canine total T4 (cTT4) $8.00
(iv) total T4 (TT4) feline & equine $8.00
(v) canine TSH (cTSH) canine specific $8.00
(vi) free T4 (Veterinary vFT4) canine, feline, equine $8.00
(vii) total T3 (TT3) canine, feline, equine $8.00
(viii) cortisol canine, feline, equine (serum only)
single test for baseline per sample $13.00
(ix) bile acid $22.00 or 2 for $32.00
(x) phenobarbital $22.00
(xi) PLI (pancreatic-like immunoreactivity) canine,
feline 12-hour fasting $22.50
(xii) miscellaneous biochemical tests call for price
(f) Hematology (whole blood, slides):
CBC/differential platelet, plasma protein, reticulocyte if indicated,
PP, hemotropic parasite screen) $12.00
WBC/differential platelet, plasma protein, reticulocyte if indicated, PP,
hemotropic parasite screen, fibrinogen) $12.00
(iii) SA/LA CBC without differential $5.25
(iv) reticulocyte count $5.25
(v) hemotropic parasite screen $3.00
(vi) fibrinogen $3.00
(vii) feline anemia panel - SA CBC, FeLV, FIV, FIA $33.00
(g) Cytology:
(i) solid tissue - FNA, Imprint, Smear $28.00
(ii) bone marrow cytology $32.00
(iii) fluid analysis - total cell count, TP, SG, cytology $28.00
(iv) fluid smear (cytology only) $24.00
(v) CSF analysis - SG, microprotein, cytospin, cytology $22.50
(vi) CSF analysis with microprotein referral $28.00 + plus referral
(h) Miscellaneous Tests:
(i) blood cross match - whole blood, serum; donor and recipient $12.00
(ii) buffy coat exam - whole blood $22.00
(iii) coagulation tests - PT, APTT, FBR, FDP $18.00 each
(iv) direct coombs - canine, EDTA whole blood $30.00
(v) bovine immunoglobulin - IgG1 (0.5cc serum) $12.00
(vi) equine immunoglobulin - IgG1 (0.5cc serum) $12.50
(4) Histology - 10% formalin fixed tissue (use SV43 form):
(a) routine H&E – charged as number of slides per biopsy submitted:
(i) 1 to 3 slides $28.00
(ii) 4 to 6 slides $34.00
(iii) 7 to10 slides $40.00
(iv) 11 slides or more $45.00
(b) duplicate H&E $10.00
(c) immunohistochemistry – charged per antibody (subject to
pathologists' discretion) $25.00
(d) special stains – charged per stain (subject to
pathologists' discretion) $8.00
(e) special preparation minimum $8.00
(5) Milk Testing (use SV43 form):
(a) added water $3.00
(b) antibiotic (charm testing, cost range for
antibiotic tested) $12.00 to $23.00
(c) brucella ring test $2.00
(d) coliform (milk or water) $5.00
(e) component (butterfat) $1.00
(f) gerber (ice cream fat) $3.00
(g) listeria culture - see Bacteriology section $32.00
(h) majonnier (cheese and cottage cheese fat) $12.50
(i) pesticide (organophosphate and carbamates) minimum charge $24.00
(j) pesticide (chlorinated hydrocarbons) minimum charge $210.00
(k) phosphatase (pasteurization) $6.00
(l) somatic cell count (direct microscopy) $5.00
(m) somatic cell count (electronic) $1.00
(n) standard plate count $5.50
(o) yeast and mold $5.00
(p) laboratory certification review contact lab
(q) organizational fee minimum charge $40.00
(6) Miscellaneous Tests and Special Requests (use SV43 form):
(a) bovine IGG1 (0.5 cc serum) $12.00
(b) camelid IGG with total protein contact lab
(c) equine IGG1 (0.5 cc serum) $12.50
(d) ocular nitrate (0.5 cc aqueous humor) $12.00
(e) organization fee (submission abuse) each $1.00
(f) duplicate test result reporting (fax/mail/e-mail) $2.00
(g) after hour fee (pathologist) $50.00
(h) stat fee (defined as immediate testing required,
clinical pathology only) call in advance $15.00
(i) minimum laboratory fee $7.00
(j) referral testing fees for referral lab testing shipping cost plus $7.00 handling
(7) Necropsy - includes gross examination, histopathology and cultures (per pathologists' discretion). Prices may not include carcass disposal. Contact laboratory for procedural instructions. Euthanasia must be performed at animal departure point unless recommended otherwise by pathologist (use SV43 form and provide complete history):
(a) cattle and horses (routine):
(i) fetus $60.00
(ii) less than 150 lbs $75.00
(iii) 150 to 500 lbs $100.00
(iv) more than 500 lbs $140.00
(b) sheep and goats:
(i) fetuses (same dam) $60.00
(ii) up to 20 lbs $60.00
(iii) more than 20 lbs $75.00
(c) swine:
(i) fetuses (same litter) $60.00
(ii) less than 25 lbs $60.00
(iii) 25 to 250 lbs $75.00
(iv) more than 250 lbs $100.00
(d) dogs and cats $100.00
(e) other species minimum charge $40.00
(f) carcass disposal:
(i) companion animals $25.00 to $85.00
(ii) livestock $20.00 per 100 wt.
(g) insurance and legal cases contact lab - $150.00 per hour
(h) research contact lab
(i) spinal cord removal in addition to necropsy fee $45.00 to $80.00
(j) transmissible encephalopathies:
(i) necropsies minimum charge $125.00
(ii) brain removal only minimum charge $30.00
(iii) IHC and ELISA testing fees for referral lab testing,
shipping cost and $7.00 handling
(8) Neonatal Diarrhea Studies (kits) - includes histopathology,
routine bacteriology and, as history and age of animal dictate, additional
testing for E. coli, viral agents, cryptosporidia, endoparasitism and IGG1
level determination (use SV43 form and instructions provided with kit) $85.00
(9) Parasitology (use SV43 form):
(a) adult parasite or arthropod identification (referral) $25.00
(b) cryptosporidia exam (1 gm. feces) $6.00
(c) dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) ELISA screening (1 cc serum) $9.00
(d) confirmation (1 cc serum) $13.00
(e) fecal flotation (3 gm fresh feces) $10.00
(f) giardia ELISA; feces $25.00
(g) special parasite ID procedures Contact lab
(10) PCR Testing:
(a) tritrichomonas foetus (call laboratory if arrival will be on a
weekend [do not freeze] use SV69 obtained from Montana State
Veterinarian, Helena) $27.00
(b) BVD $35.00
(c) IBR $35.00
(11) Rabies (use SV43 form) (coincide specimen arrival with laboratory
working hours) - submit entire brain or head in refrigerated, fresh state. Do not
submit live animals:
(a) FA examination (small animal) $25.00
(b) FA examination (large animal) $50.00
(c) carcass disposal (does not apply to bats
or small rodents) see Carcass Disposal
(12) Serology – large animal (use SV2A for all below except EIA. [Use
federal form VS 10-11 for EIA.] Submit samples in red top Vacutainer tubes. Tail
bleeders acceptable only for bovine brucellosis testing). Note: 5cc blood in red top
tube yields approximately 1.5cc serum.
(a) anaplasmosis (cELISA; 0.5cc serum required) $7.50
(b) avian influenza (AGID; 0.5cc serum):
(i) less than 10 $5.50
(ii) 10 to 24 $4.75
(iii) 25 to 49 $2.75
(iv) 50 or more $1.50
(c) bluetongue (AGID; 0.5cc serum) $5.50
(d) bluetongue (cELISA; 0.5cc serum) $8.25
(e) bovine leukemia virus (ELISA; 1cc serum) $6.50
(f) bovine respiratory syncytial virus (SN; 1cc serum) $6.50
(g) bovine virus diarrhea type 1 and 2 (SN; 1cc serum) $13.00
(h) bovine virus diarrhea (ELISA; 1cc serum or ½ sq. inch ear notch) $5.00
(i) calves under 3 months ear notch only - over 100 samples each $4.00
(j) brucella abortus (1.5cc serum for series; no charge for slaughter samples):
(i) card, BAPA, FP or RAP each $1.50
(ii) CF, RAP, Rivanol, SPT, or STT each $2.50
(k) brucella ovis (ELISA, .5cc serum) $7.50
(l) epizootic hemorrhagic disease (AGID, 0.5cc serum) $10.00
(m) equine infectious anemia (AGID [Coggins]; .5cc serum):
(i) 1 to15 samples each $7.00
(ii) 16 to 50 samples each $5.50
(iii) over 50 samples each $4.50
(n) equine infectious anemia (cELISA; 0.5cc serum) $12.50
(o) infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (SN; 1cc serum) $6.50
(p) johne's [paratuberculosis] (ELISA, .05cc serum) $7.50
(q) leptospirosis (8 routine serovars-L aut, L bra, L can,
L grp, L har, L ict, L pom, L tara) - MAT; 1cc serum $7.00
(r) ovine progressive pneumonia/caprine arthritis encephalitis:
(i) AGID $5.50
(ii) ELISA (0.5cc serum) $6.00
(s) parainfluenza-3 (HAI; 1cc serum) $5.00
(t) pseudorabies (ELISA; 1cc serum) $5.50
(u) salmonella pullorum (MAT; 0.5cc serum) $4.50
(v) vesicular stomatitis (CF, 1cc serum) (transport only;
diagnostic) contact lab - $45.00
(w) vesicular stomatitis - New Jersey and Indiana
(SN; 1cc serum) $13.00
(x) west nile virus (IgM ELISA; 1cc serum):
(i) May through October contact lab
(ii) November through April referral
(13) Serology – small animal (use SV43 form):
(a) brucella canis (Card; 0.5cc serum) $22.00
(b) feline infectious peritonitis (ELISA; 0.5cc serum) $25.00
(c) feline leukemia virus (ELISA; 0.5cc serum) $15.00
(d) feline leukemia/feline immunodeficiency virus
(ELISA; 0.5cc serum) $25.00
(14) Toxicology referral to outside contract laboratory
(15) Virology (use SV43 form):
(a) bovine virus diarrhea (see above under serology
- use SV2A serology form)
(b) canine parvovirus (ELISA; feces) $20.00
(c) electron microscopy (where applicable) $25.00
(d) fluorescent antibody testing BRSV, BVD, bovine
coronavirus, EHV-1, IBR, leptospira, or PI-3 $8.00/agent
(e) rotavirus (ELISA; feces) $25.00
(f) virus isolation (livestock only) $25.00/virus
(16) Miscellaneous charges/supplies:
(a) culturette $3.50
(b) duplicate test reporting $2.00
(c) handling fee $7.00 plus shipping
(d) kits shipping and mailing costs
(e) large shipper $11.50
(f) minimum fee $7.00
(g) out-of-state cost of test plus 50%
(h) organizational fee (submission abuse) $1.00 minimum
(i) referral testing referral lab testing cost
plus mailing costs and $6.00 handling fee
(j) special testing/referral contact laboratory
(k) shipper return shipping and mailing costs
(17) Other tests requested call ahead for prices
(18) A 1.5% monthly interest rate will be charged on accounts over 30 days. Any account 90 days delinquent will be discontinued until the entire payment is received. Extenuating fiscal circumstances will be considered upon request and requests must be approved by the Board of Livestock.