(1) The Board of Public Education shall adopt procedures for the accreditation review of educator preparation providers.
(2) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall implement the Board of Public Educationꞌs procedures by conducting accreditation site reviews.
(a) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall establish a cadre of qualified educators to serve on review teams. Team members representing accredited K-20 education entities shall:
(i) be nominated by K-20 teachers, administrators, supervisors, and members of professional organizations, educational boards, and agencies; and
(ii) have a minimum of five years of professional education experience.
(b) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall conduct workshops that prepare educators to serve as team members of site reviews.
(c) Performance of team members shall be evaluated by the team chairperson and the Office of Public Instructionꞌs educator preparation program director.
(d) Team chairpersons and members shall not be assigned to serve in the review of educator preparation providers where a conflict of interest may interfere with the integrity of the review.
(3) Members of the Board of Public Education shall be invited to observe accreditation site reviews.