(1) The registration agency may consider waiver of ratio standards only if the registered apprenticeship sponsor is in full compliance with registered standards and there are no outstanding complaints directly related to the specific registered apprenticeship program. The registration agency may waive ratio standards for a registered apprenticeship sponsor who demonstrates the need for a waiver by documented proof of all of the following:
(a) the registered apprenticeship sponsor's existing apprentices are current with the required related instruction, including apprentices that have been granted credit;
(b) the registered apprenticeship sponsor's existing apprentices have a documented 80 percent or higher accumulated grade average in related instruction;
(c) the registered apprenticeship sponsor must notify and document attempts to seek qualified journeymen from internal trade associations, area employers in like occupations, or by posting a confidential job order through the local job service office that is nearest to the shop where the apprentice is to be employed; and
(d) the registered apprenticeship sponsor must have an established completion rate that is at least 60 percent, based on the total number of all past and current apprentices. That number does not include:
(i) apprentices who have rolled over to other programs registered with the sponsor; and
(ii) cancellations by apprentices, either through noncompliance or cancellations that have occurred during the probation period stated in the registered apprenticeship sponsor's registered standards.