(1) The water-use classifications adopted for the Clark Fork of the Columbia River drainage are as follows:
(a) Clark Fork River drainage except waters listed in (1)(a)(i) through (xv) B-1
(i) Warm Springs drainage to Meyer's Dam near Anaconda A-1
(ii) Hearst Lake drainage to the Lower Hearst Inlet (approximately at latitude 46.1013, longitude -113.0665) and Fifer Gulch drainage to the Anaconda city limits. (Anaconda municipal water supply) A-Closed
(iii) Silver Bow Creek (mainstem) from the confluence of Blacktail Creek to Warm Springs Creek I
(The concentrator tailings pond and Silver Bow Creek drainage from this pond downstream to Blacktail Creek and the tailings ponds at Warm Springs have no classification.)
(iv) Yankee Doodle Creek drainage to and including Moulton reservoir (approximately at latitude 46.0901, longitude -112.5092) A-Closed
(v) Basin Creek drainage to and including the South Butte water supply reservoir (approximately at latitude 45.8543, longitude -112.5454) A-Closed
(vi) Clark Fork River (mainstem) from Warm Springs Creek to Cottonwood Creek (near Deer Lodge) C-2
(vii) Clark Fork River (mainstem) from Cottonwood Creek to the Little Blackfoot River C-1
(viii) Tin Cup Joe Creek drainage to the Deer Lodge water supply intake (approximately at latitude 46.3892, longitude -112.8543) A-Closed
(ix) Georgetown Lake and tributaries above Georgetown Dam (headwaters of Flint Creek drainage) A-1
(x) Fred Burr Lake and headwaters from source to the outlet of the lake (Philipsburg water supply at approximate latitude 46.3096, longitude -113.1746) A-Closed
(xi) South Boulder Creek drainage to the Philipsburg water supply intake (approximately at latitude 46.3447, longitude -113.2266) A-1
(xii) Rattlesnake Creek drainage to the Missoula water supply intake (approximately at latitude 46.9149, longitude -113.9638) A-Closed
(xiii) Packer and Silver Creek drainage (tributaries to the St. Regis River) to the Saltese water supply intake A-1
(xiv) Ashley Creek drainage to the Thompson Falls water supply intake (approximately at latitude 47.6066, longitude -115.3) A-Closed
(xv) Pilgrim Creek drainage to the Noxon water supply intake (approximately at latitude 47.9906, longitude -115.7747) A-1