(1) Categories will be as follows: Category A are varieties formally approved by the department, Category B are certified varieties approved by other states or countries at a level equivalent to the department, Category C are all other hemp varieties that an applicant reasonably believes will not produce a plant with over 0.3 percent THC at any time prior to harvest and are not in Category D, and Category D includes all varieties forbidden by any federal law or regulation or added by rule by the department because of its inability to consistently produce hemp.
(a) Category A: CFX-1, CFX-2, CRS-1, Canda, Carmagnola, Carmagnola
Select, Fedora 17, Grandi, Joey, Katani, Picolo.
(b) Category B: Altair, Alyssa, Angie, Anka, Armanca, Asso, B 11, Beniko, Bialobrzeskie, C S, CanMa, Cannakomp, Carma, Carmen, Carmaleonte, Chameleon, Codimono, CHA, CHY, Crag, Dacia Secuieni, Debbie, Delores, Delta 405, Deltallosa, Denise, Diana, Dioca 88, Deni, ESTA-1, Eco Aglegra, Eco Nebliss, Eletta Campana, Epsilon 68, Elite, Fasamo, Fedrina 74, Felina 32, Felina 34, Ferimon, Fibrol, Fibranova, Fibrante, Fibriko, Fibrimon 24, Fibrimon 56, Finola, Futura 75, Georgina, GranMa, Glecia, Gliana, Helena, Henola, Hiration, IDA-0103, Ivory, Judy, Jutta, KC Bonusz, KC Dora, KC Virtus, KC Zuzana, Kompolti, Kompolti Hibrid TC, Kompolti Sargaszaru, Laura Secord, Lipko, Lovrin 110, Marcell, Marina, Markant, Martha, Medicine Mother, Monoica, Nadine, Novosadska, Petera, Quida, Rajan, Ratza, Santhica 23, Santhica 27, Santhica 70, Secuieni Jubileu, Silesia, Silistrenski, Silvana, Succesiv, Szarvasi, Tiborszállási, Tisza, Tygra, UC-RGM, USO 14, USO 31, Uniko B, VC Star, Victoria, Villanova, Wojko, X-59 (Hemp Nut), Yvonne, Zenit, Zolotonosha 11, Zolotonosha 15.
(c) Category C: All other hemp varieties that an applicant reasonably believes will not produce a plant with over 0.3 percent THC at any time prior to harvest and is not listed in Category D.
(d) Category D: Any varieties forbidden by any federal law or regulation.