(1) The waiver program services may only be provided by a provider that:
(a) is enrolled as a Montana Medicaid provider;
(b) meets all facility, licensing, and insurance requirements applicable to the services offered, the service settings provided, and the professionals employed; and
(c) meets the criteria as a qualified provider authorized to deliver the service as specified in the Provider Requirements Matrix for the SDMI HCBS waiver program. The department adopts and incorporates by reference the Provider Requirements Matrix for the SDMI HCBS waiver program, dated July 1, 2020, and located at: https://dphhs.mt.gov/amdd/HCBSPolicyManual.
(2) The department may authorize a SDMI HCBS contracted case management entity to issue pass through payment for reimbursement of services rendered by a non-Medicaid provider for the following services:
(a) community transition;
(b) environmental accessibility adaptations;
(c) health and wellness;
(d) homemaker chore;
(e) meals; and
(f) specialized medical equipment and supplies.
(3) A provider must document the completion of required training in the personnel file of the staff or in the provider's staff training files which includes:
(a) title of the training;
(b) the date of the training;
(c) name and title of the trainer;
(d) type or topic of the training;
(e) the agenda of the training;
(f) the hours of the training; and
(g) the signature and date of the staff who received the training.
(4) Providers must ensure that direct care staff are trained and capable of providing waiver program services.