(1) A graduating student at the novice reading level is beginning to attain prerequisite knowledge and skills that are fundamental for reading at each benchmark. � He/she:
(a) makes simple predictions and inferences, but often does not grasp the meaning of causal relationships when reading material appropriate to twelfth grade;
(b) sometimes accurately paraphrases, formulates arguments with limited supporting evidence, and provides simple responses to reading material;
(c) sometimes monitors his/her use of strategies, but usually relies primarily on a few strategies to interpret the language, literary characteristics, and overall intent of print and nonprint material with limited success;
(d) uses a reading vocabulary below twelfth-grade level;
(e) sometimes monitors his/her own reading progress;
(f) with guidance, sets and meets reading goals while selecting, analyzing, and evaluating material in a limited range of reading purposes; and
(g) compares and contrasts material, but infrequently analyzes or applies complex thinking skills to gather, use, and respond to information from a limited number of sources.