(1) Licensees shall obtain a minimum of four hours of board approved training prior to license renewal each July. This requirement will be effective starting with the renewal year of July 1, 1991.
(2) The training may include, but is not limited to, National Water Well Association, Montana Water Well Drillers Association, board sponsored workshops, or other board approved training, relating to the specific area of licensure.
(3) The training must have prior board approval to count towards the training requirement. A course outline must be submitted, along with the instructor's name(s) , length of the training, and an explanation of how it relates to the area of licensure.
(4) Credit may be requested for training classes that a licensee has completed without prior board approval, provided the licensee can supply verification of actual attendance, a course outline, and an explanation as to why prior approval was not obtained. These courses will be approved on a case by case basis.
(5) A new licensee will not be required to obtain the training until the second renewal year following issuance of his license.
(6) Separate training is required for apprentices.