(1) Under any of the following three circumstances, emergency medical services personnel must follow the protocol approved by the board of medical examiners for withholding life-sustaining procedures from a patient:
(a) The identity of the patient has been clearly established and the personnel have been presented with any one of the following:
(i) a comfort one form for the patient;
(ii) a comfort one card for the patient; or
(iii) a written do-not-resuscitate order signed and dated by a physician.
(b) An unresponsive person is wearing a comfort one necklace or bracelet (no further identification is necessary) .
(c) A physician's do-not-resuscitate order has been presented, but only when:
(i) the order is in writing and the personnel have a copy of the order or have seen the order; or
(ii) a physician issues a verbal order directly to the emergency medical services personnel.
(2) The living will protocol may also be designated the "comfort one protocol".
(3) This rule applies to an inter-hospital transfer of patients as well as a response to an emergency by emergency medical service personnel.