(1) If a medical assistance facility maintains, or has available, diagnostic radiologic services, they must meet the following standards:
(a) The radiologic services must be free from radiation hazards for patients and personnel.
(b) Periodic inspection of equipment must be made and hazards identified must be promptly corrected.
(c) Radiation workers must be checked periodically by the use of exposure meters or badge tests, to determine the amount of radiation to which they are routinely exposed.
(d) A qualified full-time, part-time, or consulting radiologist must be utilized to interpret those radiographic tests that are determined by the medical staff to require a radiologist's specialized knowledge.
(e) Only personnel designated as qualified by the medical staff, and meeting requirements of state law, may use the radiographic equipment and administer procedures.
(f) The radiologist or other practitioner who provides radiology services must sign each report containing his/her interpretations.
(g) The facility must maintain any radiographic studies and their interpretations for at least five years.